┃A new start is our secret

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September 29th, 1984.

Gladys silently climbed into the black SUV that would drive her and Michael to their new hideout.

When she sat down on the comfortable black leather couch, she instinctively placed her hand on her flat stomach.

Thoughts of pregnancy haunted her - Michael and Katherine hadn't touched on it, but Gladys knew what they thought about it. They are convinced of the rightness of continuing her pregnancy.

But they don't care about my opinion, she thought irritably.

When Michael sat down next to her, he was wearing sunglasses. Now he was applying special ointments to the burn spots on his head and taking medications, but it seemed to function perfectly on a daily basis. He took her hand and smiled warmly at her.

She smiled back - she wanted it to come out naturally, but instead made a grimace. Michael squeezed her hand tighter and she looked up at the tinted glass.

— Gladys, what's going on? — he asked gently, and she pursed her lips. —Honey?

—Nothing's happening — she whispered, and he sighed. — How do you suspect something's going on?

—I can see it —he began quietly. — You're nervous ...

— How am I not supposed to be? — she broke out, and he frowned. —My mad father is bothering me, we have to hide again, and now I'm ...— She broke off and cried. —Jesus, not so long ago I had such a simple life ...

—Baby, it's all right — Michael hugged her. — I'm with you, don't cry.

— How can I not cry when we cannot live in peace? — Gladys sobbed. — We can't even go to Neverland without my father breaking in there. He is sick, sick from losing control of me. He cannot come to terms with the fact that I am with you and away from him.

—Nobody will control you, ever.— Michael's voice was firm. —You're safe with me. Now maybe we'll go, okay?

Gladys made a barely audible yes. Michael gestured, and after a while the car started moving. As they left the grounds of Jackie's estate, Katherine Jackson stood on the porch and watched the car with her son and his girlfriend move away.

Katherine was worried about him and Gladys - especially since she was pregnant now. Mrs. Jackson would never have expected Elvis to turn out to be so crazy. She met him once, once in a hotel, where he and her sons were performing.

The young Jacksons were performing before Elvis' show - as Katherine and Joseph rode the elevator, it opened and they saw the king of rock n roll with two of his men. Elvis saw a pair of African Americans, smiled politely, and said he would take a different elevator.

Katherine frowned, not knowing how to take it. She was surprised to see the famous Elvis, but his behavior ... did not want to drive in the crowd or was he a hidden raisist?

Joseph told her to ignore it, but Katherine remembered it. Presley's persona has been controversial for years, if only for the strange rumors.

Berry Gordy said there was some information in the music industry that, if true, would spell the end of Elvis Presley.

It was about his first wife - beautiful Patricia, who had been murdered by some maniac. Only a part of her body has been found, and the killer has not been caught so far.

Fans and many people from the music world stood behind Elvis and sympathized with the loss of his wife, especially since their daughter was a baby.

Berry said he somehow didn't believe Elvis had nothing to do with it.

║The Yellow Rose of Graceland ║ Elvis Presley║Where stories live. Discover now