┃No one will interfere with our happiness at Neverland, part two

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After she was out of sight, Elvis hissed:

—I suspect you told her too much.

— Elvis, that's not true.

— Then why did I see her genuine concern for you, huh? You think I don't know how it works? This fucking female solidarity of yours. — He squeezed her hand. — There will be no meeting, she won't set foot on my private property, you understand?

Before Patti replied, he stood up and dusted off his clothes.

— We're going home, I did what I had to do and we can go back to our oasis of happiness.

— Your oasis —  Patti hissed. — You can't isolate me from people, Elvis ...

—But I don't isolate you — Elvis laughed sarcastically. —You have a lot of people around you ...

— It's your family and your people. Your spies, people who are in no way sympathetic to me.

— Better like a stranger with bad intentions.

— How can you say Christine has bad intentions?

— Maybe not for you, but for us - yes.

— You can not...

—I can do anything — Elvis walked over to her and grabbed her arm. He picked her up abruptly until her eyes filled with tears. — And if I say Christine Stafford will stay away from you, she will. You think I don't know what you've got in your head for a long time?

Patti was silent as he pierced her intensely with his gaze.

—I don't trust you and that's why it will be like it has been so far — he said quietly. — I will choose you people, and you ... honey, you'd better stop fighting. You have long lost. And now it's time for us ... to our home.

— To my prison — Patti blurted, and he looked at her reluctantly.

As they returned, Elvis specifically chose a different route to disappear unnoticed. Their chauffeur was waiting for them, and Patti knew she would not give up on getting help from Christine.

Christine sensed that something must be going on in Patti's marriage - not necessarily good. And she tried to contact her - she had the direct phone number from her husband to Graceland, and she was calling there, but Patti was still busy.

In the end, Christine decided to go to Graceland herself. When she stood in front of the famous gate and saw the guard, more precisely Elvis' uncle Vester, who came out to her and told her why she had come, Vester muttered:

— I have to check something. I'll let you know ...

After Vester disappeared into the booth and called Elvis' private number and informed him of Christine's arrival, Elvis replied:

— No way, she won't come in here. Tell her Patricia is busy.

And it did, which irritated Christine even more. She pointed her finger at Vester and said:

—If I don't see Pat now, I'll call the cops. It's not normal that she can't take her friend!

— I'm just passing on information from Mrs. Presley ...

— More like Mr. Presley! If Mr. Presley likes control, maybe he will like confrontation. Since Patti is supposed to be busy, I'm asking for a phone call to her husband.

Vester realized that this woman was not going to go away easily, so he called Elvis again.

The message was clear:

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