┃Peter Pan and the King

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—It'll be fun, you'll see — Lisa gave her sister a nudge, and Gladys noticed Jerry's bodyguard watching them.

—I know it'll be fun — Gladys said sweetly, and winked at the security guard. Jerry took it indifferently and focused on driving.

He's like a fucking robot, Gladys thought as she stared at the sunglasses in her hand. The car windows were tinted, and the only view she could focus on was the inside of the vehicle and the seats of the two stiffs who would guard her and Lisa.

—Maybe I'll buy a bracelet — Lisa scratched her chin. —What do you think? Gold or silver?

—Don't you have enough jewelry?— Gladys raised an eyebrow. — Why don't we just eat a good burger and drink Pepsi?

—Junk food, I like it.— Lisa chuckled and Gladys stroked her long, blonde hair.

—We're approaching our destination — Tom said. —Please put on your disguises, ladies.

—Sure.— Lisa rolled her eyes and put on a handkerchief and sunglasses. Gladys did the same.

Finally the car stopped and Jerry turned to the girls and said:

— My dear. When we get off you stay close to us.

—Of course — Lisa muttered in a bored tone. —Just don't overdo it, okay?

—Be serious, Lisa Marie — Jerry said in a fatherly tone. — This is about your safety. We finally gave your mom our word, right?

Lisa didn't answer and Gladys replied:

— Yes, sir. We understand.

—Just one sensible one — Jerry sighed and got out first. Then Tom did, and Lisa muttered to Gladys:

— It's a stupid beetroot, really.

Gladys nudged her shoulder and the door swung open.

— Ladies, you can leave.

—We don't need your permission — Lisa left and Jerry said nothing. — Try to say another malicious allusion and you say goodbye to work, I'll try to do it.

— Yisa, stop.— Gladys chided her. —Mr. Jerry, please don't listen to her, she likes playing terrorist.

Jerry nodded, and Gladys noticed they were in a private part of the parking lot.

— We'll come in from the back — Tom decided, and then the men set off with two disguised teenagers.

Gladys braided her hair into a braid that ran down to her waist. As they entered the world of the mall, she felt a pleasant tickle.

She and Dylan rarely went to places like this, because in Memphis everyone knew Elvis Presley's beautiful daughter. Now she could enjoy this place and feel like a normal young woman who went shopping.

— Where do you want to go first? — Jerry asked and Lisa said:

— Jewelry showroom.

—Not right away — Tom said, and Gladys replied:

— I'd like to go to the bookstore, okay?

—Good thought — Jerry agreed, ignoring Lisa's scowl. — The bookstore is a valuable place.

Gladys pulled Lisa with her. There were quite a few people in the mall and only a few glanced at the two young girls with two guys in suits. Gladys tried to be as natural as possible, though she could really feel the strangers' eyes on her.

She took a deep breath and Tom put his hand on her back and asked:

— Are you okay, Stella?

— Stella? — Gladys was surprised, but then realized. — Yeah, it's okay.

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