┃ Maybe we will do it?

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September 24th, 1984.

Gladys had a wonderful time while Michael was home convalescing. He felt relatively well, there was only one moment when he spent most of the day in bed.

Gladys tried to push aside worries about him while he was taking his medication. She told herself that it was necessary because of his present condition. She knew she had to keep an eye on him - initially innocent painkillers in one pack could change to five taken systematically.

She had the perfect example in her own father for what drug addiction could lead to, especially if the patient thought nothing was happening, that everything was fine.

Well, this was not the case with Elvis - seven years earlier, he had almost lost his life over too many drugs.

When she thought about her father, she felt a certain longing, despite all the unpleasantness - she hadn't spoken to him and hadn't seen him in a long time.

She spoke once a week with Lisa, whom she had met only once at Katherine and Joseph's Encino home. Everything was arranged thanks to Michael and Jackie - Jackie brought Lisa to the residence.

When Gladys saw her sister, she cried, and so did Lisa, and they fell into each other's arms. They did not want to let each other go for a long time.

The two of us had a nice day after that, mostly hanging out by the pool.

—You know — Lisa looked ahead as they sat by the pool and soaked their feet. —I don't like this situation. We talk and see each other so rarely. I know dad has these problems, but I miss my sister.

— Yisa — Gladys touched her hand, but Lisa took it back. —I miss you a lot too, but for now it has to be the way it is. After all, we can meet here ...

— Where did he hide you? — Lisa glared at her. —Michael? You can tell me, damn it.

— Lis, the time will come ...

Then fuck you — Lisa stood up abruptly. —You're choosing a new guy over me and my mom! What happend to you?

— Yisa, calm down — Gladys was surprised at her reaction. — But we can meet, only ...

Like the rats in hiding, right? — Lisa snorted. — You know what? Let's give it up for now. If Michael kicks you in the ass because you get bored with him, then you will remember about us.

— How can you say that I chose him over you — Gladys stood up as well. — You are important, you are my family.

She wanted to touch her, but Lisa backed away. She looked coldly at her stepsister, and then she really looked like Elvis

Family ... I think you're looking for a new one. Good luck.

After she was gone, Gladys stood still, struggling to keep her crying under control. How could Lisa accuse her of that? She knew what their father was doing.


Gladys lay on the bed in Michael's former Encino bedroom and cried while Katherine sat next to her stroking her hair.

—Honey, she didn't mean it — Katherine said softly. —She's mad that she doesn't see you that often, which is why. Lisa is mature enough to understand why you need to keep your whereabouts a secret.

—Those were her real words, Mrs. Katherine.— Gladys wiped her wet cheeks. — I love her and Cilla, but peace of mind is most important to me, and my father doesn't make my life easier.

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