┃ I will not give you that satisfaction

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September 27th, 1984.

Gladys was sitting on a hotel bed in the tiny room Elvis had given her while she was here. Tomorrow they would be returning to Memphis, but - to be honest, she preferred to be struck by lightning.

She only wanted one thing - Michael and a return to Neverland, where she felt she had her place.

She and Elvis practically did not talk - preoccupied with business matters, he disappeared for the whole day, leaving her in the care of the Mafia members.

Gladys was wearing jeans and a t-shirt Jerry had bought for her, like some of the other blouses. This little space was her prison, and the larger one was due tomorrow, where in the meantime it was to be taken to the airport and forcibly boarded the plane named Lisa.

I don't want to be here. Mike, please find me. Save me from my father.

Gladys wiped her cheeks and looked at the tray of food she didn't want to touch. She had eaten little since yesterday - Elvis threatened that if she did not eat more, he would force—feed her.

Gladys didn't care - stress was one thing to tell the truth, but somehow she could eat on average.

Even when she forced porridge into herself, she vomited it quickly. She had nausea that was beyond her control.

She was rocking back and forth as Jerry entered. He had a glass with freshly squeezed orange juice in his hand - he smiled at the girl and asked:

—Honey, if your stomach hurts, can you at least have a drink?

Gladys shot him a murderous glare and made no reply. He sighed and set the glass down on the coffee table. He put his hands on his hips and said:

— Look, I know what it looks like ...

— Nothing you fucking know, Jerry! — Gladys snarled. — How can you stand here like this, be like a good uncle to me, and know that you are my kidnapper, an accomplice in my father's tyranny!

— Your daddy was worried about you and saved you ...

—He saved — Gladys snorted. —From whom? Before Michael?

— Yeah, he ...

—Michael helped me get away from Elvis — Gladys whispered. —My dad is not what he used to be ... Whatever he has, in the sense of being mentally ill, it's getting worse ...

— Your daddy is depressed, yes — Jerry raised his eyebrows. — He has good and bad moments, but he's not crazy. Understand that we were all worried about you - you ran away with a guy you don't even know ...

— Can you let me go? — she asked, and he pursed his lips. —I don't want to be here, this is detaining me against my will and there is a paragraph for that ...

—Sorry — Jerry backed off, and Gladys felt furious. She managed to hide a piece of glass in her jeans pocket. As Jerry looked the other way, she lunged at him and, retrieving a piece of glass, stabbed him twice in his open hand.

— Fuck! — Jerry yelled, holding his bloody hand. — Gladys, what the fuck have you done!

The girl pushed him to the floor and ran out of the room. Fortunately for her, no one was in the main room, and when she reached the door she yanked on it.

Joe Esposito was sitting behind them. As soon as he turned, she hit him hard on the back of the head, not thinking what the consequences would be.

As the man passed out, Gladys started walking. She burst out into the corridor, praying that she would not find any of her father's gorillas. When she appeared in the corridor, the receptionist spotted her.

║The Yellow Rose of Graceland ║ Elvis Presley║Where stories live. Discover now