┃I will not be intimidated, part one

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August 28th, 1984.

Gladys had seen Michael twice more since their last date - although it was only brief, those moments were priceless to them.

Unfortunately, Michael almost immediately had to engage in numerous professional duties, including shooting the extremely profitable Pepsi commercial, and even wanted her to join him during one of the rehearsals.

The day after her date with Michael, Gladys did what she should have called Dylan and gently told him there was a certain matter. That she had doubts about the future of their relationship for a long time and decided to break up with him. She apologized to him for doing it by phone - she explained it by the distance between them; they also talked for a while.

Dylan asked if he had done something wrong, but she replied no - it just burned out her feeling, although she still likes and respects him very much. After a short pause, the boy confessed that he felt less commitment on her part and that it was better that it all ended this way than she should continue to pretend.

He insisted on the word pretend, and expressed the opinion that he would have preferred her to break up with him in a face-to-face conversation. Then he sighed and replied that despite everything, he could still count on him in the future.

When they said goodbye, Gladys felt relieved, but also remorseful that she had treated this lovely and kind boy like that. She liked him, maybe even loved him, but she didn't think of him more seriously than he deserved.

The truth was, she was fascinated by Michael, with whom she was also not completely honest.

When they saw each other again, she told him about Dylan and the whole situation, and he didn't say anything for a moment. Then he took her hands and said:

—Let's not let this destroy the magic we have. There is only a simple rule: we have to be honest with ourselves, you understand? You won't tell me your innermost secrets right away, even the most spicy ones, but if we're going to create something, the foundations must be solid, you understand?

— Yes, and I'm sorry again — she whispered, and he touched her cheek. She was in his hotel suite, one hour before an important concert, and he was getting ready. They only had a quarter of an hour to themselves, but that was enough to satisfy their need for closeness.

—Can I kiss you? — Michael asked and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. She nodded, and he pressed his lips against hers. He kissed her gently, then more and more greedily, until finally he stopped and looked her straight in the eye:

— It's enough for me to give the best concert of all time.

— You know you're the best — she whispered and threw her arms around his neck. — I'm glad I met you.

—And I love you, Tinkerbell — he said, and stroked her long, blonde hair that fell down to her waist.— Anyway, are you okay? How's the situation at home? Do your parents know about us?

Gladys turned serious at the mention of her parents. She released Michael and took a deep breath.

He frowned and asked:

— Gladys ... what's going on?

—Well, Cilla has some concerns, she's a bit skeptical about our relationship — she explained, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. — And my father ... apart from his aggressive calls, for now I have peace. He hasn't confronted me yet, and to be honest, I don't want to see him. He has his concerts at the moment and he should better focus on jumping around the stage.

—I'm jumping, too — Michael chuckled, and Gladys relaxed. —So is he.

—But you do it gracefully — she said sweetly, and threw her arms around his neck. —And he ... is an elderly star whose time has passed.

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