┃ I'm getting out of here

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August 30th, 1984.

Michael sat in the hotel suite and listened to what Gladys said. She told him about the threats her father had made against him and that she was fed up with the atmosphere at home.

— Cilla is not like him — she said. — But she also makes comments to me about our relationship. I'm tired of this, Michael. What should I do? If I only had the money, I'd get out of here.

— I told you I'd help you — he said, and tightened his fingers on the pager. — Look ... there's a place you could hide and Elvis would never find you.

— Only on the moon, I guess — she sighed. — What place do you mean?

— My house that I am building — he said, and came to life. — You know, I bought a ranch six months ago, so far the main building is there, most of the rooms are empty, but a few are furnished. You can live there, of course the construction work is still going on and it will be a long time before everything looks the way I want it to.

— To live with you? — Gladys was surprised, but she liked the thought. — Really?

— It's nothing immoral — he added quickly, blushing. — I just want to help you. I'm a rare visitor there anyway. After shooting the Pepsi commercial, maybe the two of us can spend a little time there, and then I go back to the recording studio again.

Gladys wondered - she had a great opportunity to cut herself off from the toxic family. But she knew that she wouldn't last long without Lisa.

— Okay — she said cheerfully. — I agree.

— Lovely, sweetheart! — Michael perked up. — Can you pack in an hour? My brother Jackie will pick up at your stepmother's house.

— Yes — Gladys nodded. — Cilla's at work now, I'm alone with Lisa and our bodyguards and housekeeper.

— Great, so expect Jackie in an hour.

After he hung up, Gladys pressed the pager against her chest. She was moved by what was going to happen, but she knew it was necessary. She got up from the couch and ran up the stairs as if her time was timed. Briefly it was, but the prospect of freedom was wonderful.


As Gladys closed the lid of the suitcase, she heard footsteps. She turned to see a sister who's eyes widened.

— Gladys, what are you doing?— Lisa asked, pointing to the two suitcases. — Are you leaving?

— Lisa.— Gladys looked at her. — It's only for a moment. I'll call Cilla later and ...

— Where are you going?— Lisa grabbed her arm. — Where the hell?

—  I'm going to live with Michael — she whispered. — I must, I can't live in a house where even Cilla becomes an enemy. In addition, our father comes here whenever he wants to. I can't.

—  Want to be with a guy you don't know? — Lisa glared at her angrily. — What if he takes advantage of you and then abandons you? Father will then hate you twice and it will be a real hell. I'm afraid Michael Jackson will hurt you, sis.

— He's not like that —  Gladys said confidently and looked her squarely in the eye.  — I know that, but yes, you're right, I don't know him. But I trust him, and I know he has good intentions.

— Think about it, please ...

— I already did — Gladys walked over to the window and peered out through it. When she saw the long white limo, she knew it was Jackie Jackson. — Wait ...

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