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September 1th, 1984.

Gladys stood on the Neverland balcony and watched the two black limousines pull up in front of the property.

She waited impatiently for the door of one of the cars to open and see her Michael.

Her fingers tightened on the railing, and when she actually saw him get out, her heart began to beat faster. She smiled broadly, and one of the bodyguards pointed in her direction.

Michael, whose single lock was running down his forehead, took off his sunglasses and smiled brightly at the girl. He waved at her and blew a kiss.

Gladys backed off the balcony, excited that he was finally back. She ran out of her room and walked down the hall to the main floor, where Meredith greeted the master of the house and the security guards carried his suitcases.

Gladys ran down the stairs and stopped in the middle of the steps when she saw Michael entering with a small, fat guy with his hair in a ponytail.

— My Tinkerbell.— Michael spread his arms, and she ran to him and fell into his arms. He hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. His companion watched it all calmly, and when Michael released Gladys, he said:

— Tinkerbell, let me introduce you to my manager. This is Frank DiLeo.

Gladys looked at the guy who was smiling idiotically.

— Frank, this lovely lady is ...

—I know who she is.— Frank took Gladys's hand and kissed the back of her hand. — Miss Gladys Presley, the princess of rock n roll. Pleased to meet you, Miss Presley.

— Hello, Mr. DiLeo. Gladys smiled politely, but still felt a strange distance towards the man. He seemed to her a less formal version of the colonel who, after years of working with her father, found himself a new goal and was now full-time manager of singer Zachary Evans.  Nice to meet you too.

Frank was smiling politely, then finally grunted and said:

— Michael, I'll call you tonight.

Michael nodded, and as Frank left, he hugged Gladys tightly and asked in her ear:

— Did you miss me, baby?

—Very — she whispered, and he grinned at her broadly and looked into her eyes intensely.

When he released her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and, past the bodyguards, led her out the main door. As they stood on the porch, a beautiful sight spread out before them. The sun was high in the sky, the sky was beautiful blue ...

—It's lovely to be in home — Michael whispered. —Especially when you know there's someone special waiting for you. — He looked her straight in the eyes. — I appreciate the moment that you are finally close to me.

And before she reacted, he kissed her hard on the lips. Gladys stiffened, but then she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back. The passing security guard smiled at their affection, and when Michael took his lips from Gladys, he said:

— Let's eat something, I'm starving. How about lasagna?

— I'd love to eat — Gladys grinned, and he tickled her nose with a finger. She chuckled, glad they were back together again.


The meal was light, and the fact that she ate it with Michael made her appetite feel good. They had lunch on the balcony, from where they admired the unique views of most of the ranch.

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