┃Consistency in action

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September 28th, 1984.

10 am.

—Gladys, darling, can you get out of there?— Michael's alarmed voice and his now insistent knocking forced her to make a decision.

She couldn't sit forever in the bathroom, though she certainly wanted to. Especially when she knew.

— I am leaving soon! — she said, trying to make her tone sound normal. Lest it reveal at some point the breakdown and horror that yesterday circulated somewhere in the recesses of her mind and which she effectively pushed away from herself.

She was so sure she wasn't pregnant, though her physical symptoms contradicted it, she was strangely calm when she took the pregnancy test.

For a quarter of an hour she had been sitting on the closed toilet and staring at those hideous two lines.

It was her sentence - she was eighteen and pregnant with Michael Jackson.

Gladys took a deep breath and pushed her hair back.

She wasn't ready for this baby ... She had just started dating and getting to know Michael, and here's something like this ... How could she be so unreasonable and why didn't she object when he wanted sex and didn't put on a condom? It was only two or three times, but it was enough ...

It was too late now. She was in the early stages of pregnancy which she did not want, and it was necessary to think about what to do next. But she had to tell him ...

— Gladys, open it! — Michael hit the door harder. — Or Jackie and the boys will break it!

—No exaggeration — she murmured and turned the key in the door. Michael opened it and saw his girlfriend, sad and with a test in her hand.

—Honey — Michael stepped inside and closed the door. — Whether...

—I'm pregnant — she said blankly, tears streaming down her cheeks. She showed him a pregnancy test and the characteristic two lines. — God...

—That's wonderful.— Michael had a different attitude. He took that test and stared at it hypnotized. —Don't worry, you're not alone with it. We can do it...

—Michael — Gladys shook her head. — Do you know what you're saying?

—Yes.— He put down the pregnancy test and took her face in his hands. — I remind you that you are not alone. You have me, and we'll make it through together. Do not be afraid of this pregnancy ...

— Or maybe I don't want to be a mother now? — She stepped away from him. —Don't you understand?

— You're not thinking of removing the baby, are you? — Michael shook his head in disbelief. —You can't make up your own mind. This is also my baby.

—I don't have the strength to think about it right now — Gladys burst into tears. —I don't have a home, I'm homeless, my father is stalking me, and you blame me for this fucking pregnancy!

Michael stood silent as she grabbed a pregnancy test and tossed it to the floor. She crouched down and hid her face in her hands. Michael crouched down beside her and hugged her.

— You're right, this is too much for you, sorry. Listen, we'll think about it later.

She withdrew her hands and nodded. She was shocked by the pregnancy and didn't want to think about it now. What is her extra stress for?

Michael helped her up, knowing one thing - that he would support her with all his might. Deep down, he hoped he would persuade her to continue her pregnancy ... and something else.

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