┃Something is starting, part two

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As Michael sat down on the comfy red couch, holding popcorn and two Coca-Coles, and Gladys took her seat next to him, he looked at her and winked at her.

—Ready for a good show with the nice guy? —He asked sweetly, and she took a Coke from him and slurped loudly through a straw. —Miss Presley, that wasn't polite.

—Being rude is ... even fun — Gladys replied and burst out laughing. Michael touched her blonde locks. — You look nice today.

—Thanks.— Gladys gave him a gentle slap on the hand. —Now let it go. What movie did you choose for us?

—Do you like to be scared? — He asked and picked up a single popcorn. He touched it with his lips. — Yes, as long as it's a nice horror movie. That's what I chose.

—Let me guess — Gladys narrowed her eyes. —Are they Ghostbusters?

— Bingo — Michael ate popcorn. — You follow movie news?

—Maybe — Gladys picked up some popcorn and began to eat. —Let's see if the Prince of Pop is really scared.

—Prince of Pop?— Michael grimaced. —It reminds me too much of ...— He paused, and Gladys raised an eyebrow.

— With who? With Prince?

—A purple bastard — Michael muttered and threw popcorn at the girl. — You don't like him, do you?

—Maybe I like Prince — Gladys tossed her own popcorn. —Are you jealous?

—Maybe — Michael chuckled as the lights went out and the movie's huge title appeared on the screen. — Do you realize this is a pre-premiere screening?

—So I'm lucky — Gladys purred and began eating popcorn. Michael chuckled and quickly joined her.


—Nice comedy of horror.— Gladys stretched as she sat with an empty popcorn box and peered inside. —A lot of Popcorn and two birds like us ate it quickly.

Birds?— Michael leaned against the seat and looked at her. — Because we are so skinny?

—Yes.— Gladys raised an eyebrow and chuckled. Then she looked mischievously at Michael and tucked the box over his head.

Hey! — Michael called out, and she laughed out loud and stood up. She ran between the rows of armchairs and stepped onto the landing in front of the large glass screen. She spun feeling free and happy.

Michael quickly joined her. He stood in front of her, put his hands in his pockets and said:

— Now you really look like Tinkerbell. And you look like a real princess. But you are. The princess of rock n roll.

Gladys stopped and looked at him. He was fucking handsome for an African American with that short, curly hair. She touched the lock that hung from his forehead and whispered:

— I don't really want to be a rock n roll princess anymore. I just want to be Gladys without any labels. Elvis' daughter, Graceland's golden child. I'm sick of this.

—And I just want to be Michael today — he said and touched her cheek. He pushed back his long, blonde hair. —Our nice evening begins.

Gladys shivered at his touch. He had such delicate fingertips. He looked intently at her eyes; then his face came closer to hers. Before she could blink, he gently kissed her lips.

Gladys stood frozen and let it go for a while. Then a thought rang in her head.

I have a boyfriend.

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