┃ Neverland, part one

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August 31th, 1984.

Gladys rode with Jackie and Mrs. Katherine to what was Michael's new home.

In the dozen or so hours she spent at the Jackson home in Encino Gladys, she forgot for a moment about her complicated family situation and surrendered to the pleasant atmosphere in Michael's family.

Mrs. Katherine was a very warm and kind person, Gladys even had the opportunity to see her eldest daughter Rebbie for a while.

Gladys was grateful for the hospitality, but most of the time was spent in the room she was given. Despite being welcomed warmly, she felt alienated and preferred her own company and Katherine's dog, Doggie.

As the tinted limousine reached the ranch, Jackie asked the chauffeur to lower the windows. When that happened, Gladys looked through the one on her side and saw an imposing black gate with gold ornaments that swung wide. Above the gate was a black background with the gold name Neverland.

There was greenery all around, the place resembled a fairy-tale land. Gladys was impressed, as was Katherine, who was at her son's new home for the first time.

Jackie saw Neverland, so he was smiling broadly at his mother and girl. As the limousine pulled into the grounds, Gladys saw that there were still construction sites within a dozen meters.

Own oasis of privacy and tranquility - something like Graceland.

At the thought of the family home she shuddered. She chased away thoughts of her father and Graceland and took a deep breath. Katherine noticed her tension and took her hand.

— Are you okay, honey? — she asked gently, and Gladys nodded.

— Yes, ma'am. I just suddenly felt stuffy.

Katherine looked warmly at the girl who was so pretty. She was a bit of Elvis, but certainly more of her mother. Michael told Katherine about Gladys having a mother who had been murdered.

Katherine felt the more need to be a support for a young woman who came from a famous but problematic family.

As the limousine pulled up to the main driveway, the chauffeur parked, got out, and opened the door for Katherine and Gladys. He opened the door for them and, like a gentleman, shook his hand, helping them out.

When Gladys was outside she was impressed with the main building. Illuminated, it looked like a fairy tale, and this floral clock.

— This looks great — Gladys whispered, and Katherine took her hand. —Michael does have a vision for this place.

—It will be his own fairy tale, his magic place — Katherine replied with a smile. —He was always like from another world.

Katherine started walking toward the building with Gladys and Jackie. Their head hostess, Mrs. Meredith, greeted them and showed them the rooms that were furnished.

Gladys saw a sitting room, a library, a room full of children's toys. The furniture was very expensive and decent, Michael boldly invested in works of art, he had a weakness for sculptures.

Meredith showed her the guest room Michael had reserved for her. Gladys was surprised by the cozy decor.

—Mr. Jackson has taken care of everything — Meredith grinned. —You have beautiful clothes. If you need anything, let me know.

— I ... — Gladys was intimidated. — Thank you.

—The pleasure is mine — Meredith nodded, and Katherine asked:

—Do you want to be alone for a while, darling?

—Can I?— She asked, and Katherine nodded. Jackie put Gladys' suitcase on the bed and as the door closed and she was left alone, she slowly got used to the new situation.

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