Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: just know that The Cruel Prince is a book by Holly Black and any and all events and characters along with all rights of this book belong to her.

                    Madelaina :

I wake up to, once again, sunlight beaming through the windows and into my eyes.

How do I keep forgetting to close these things?

Now that I feel like my eyeballs have been burned, I decide that going back to sleep is not an option.

So instead, I pick up my book from where I left off last night.

It is one of my own. Part of the large bookcase I have in my rooms.

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black.

I am about a quarter way through and I've already felt pride, butterflies, frustration and the unbeatable urge to throw the book across my room.

And this is the about millionth time I'm reading it.

And let's not even mention my love for Cardan. That guy could actually drown me and I would resurrect myself from the dead to thank him.

It is one of my comfort books.

I've read another two chapters, when there's a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I announce, putting a bookmark inside the pages.

The door opens and my mother walks in with a tray of food.

"Buongiorno, amore mio."

"Good morning, mamma." I smile.

She comes round my bed and places the tray on the nightstand table.

She glances at the book in my lap and raises her brows.


"Oh hush. It's a good book." I defend.

She raises her hands in mock surrender before handing me a plate of fette biscottate and a cup of hot milk with coffee.


"Uh oh."

"No. No uh oh. It's nothing bad....kind of."


"It's not! it's just that school starts in a week and we need to get you and your sister's uniform."

"Mamma! I don't even see why I have to go! Can't I just get a private tutor?"

"I know this isn't easy for you, tesoro. But me and your father both think that this will be good for you."

I huff and take a bite out of the rusk.

"Please, Della. You have to understand." She tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and gives me that look.

"Fine." I relent. "But you have to take me actual shopping after."

"Affare." She grins and kisses my head, while standing up from her position on my bed.  "Hurry up and get ready then. We leave in an hour."

"An hour?" I swing my head towards her retreating figure. "You expect me to be ready in an hour?"

She turns and shrugs her shoulders before shutting the door.

I shake my head and hurriedly finish my breakfast before rushing to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

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