Chapter 14

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                     Madelaina :

"You're an idiot."

"Yeah? Then why are we in the same AP classes, asshole?"

"Shut up."

"You shut up."

"No, you shut up"

"Both of you shut up."

I instantly snap my mouth shut.

As i walked down the hallway and listened to Lucas and Angel bicker like the ten year olds they are, I somehow began to feel comfortable.

So comfortable in fact, that I seem to have inserted myself into their said bickering.

How am I so relaxed?

Apart from the tension I get from Lucas, I have felt almost normal in their presence.

That's never happened before.  At least with people who aren't part of my family.

And for that one time... a time that I've vowed to forget.

But for some strange reason. I almost, with these boys.

Aside from the fact of my and Lucas's apparent dislike for each other. I feel like they will accept me.

It's probably stupid.  It's probably a mistake.

It will probably blow up in my face and I'll be hurt all over again.

But I'm tired of being scared to trust. To accept that not everyone is heartless. That not everyone will hurt me. So I've decided. I'm done. And if it does blow up in my face. Then so what? It's nothing that's not happened before.

So here I am, bantering with two boys, one of which likes me and one who doesn't. But one's better than none right?
And since I've had none for as long as I can remember, I'll take one.

Wow. That was dramatic.

I need to leave my house more. Or just, you know. Actually leave my house.

"Hey look at that. She fits right in." Angel smiles smugly.

"What? Because she told you to shut up?" Lucas smirks.

"Actually, I told both of you to shut up."  I correct.

Lucas's amusement ceases and he points me with a glare.

I just smile innocently, which only aggravates him more.

I almost giggle as he turns and power walks ahead of us.

Angel however, barks out a laugh and in the corner of my eye, I'm almost certain that I see Giovanni, I've learned his full name is, hide a smile.

Dio help me. I'm doomed with these three.

We round the corner and Lucas stops in front of a wooden door, reading "room M3".

He turns and raises his brows at the other two boys.

"We're seriously doing this?"

"We're seriously doing this." Angel states.


Angel doesn't wait for him to finish his very predictable question. He unwinds our arms, placing that hand on the small of my back and leads us into the room.

All previous talking abruptly stops when we pass the threshold.

And i don't miss the both confused and sour glances from around the class.

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