Chapter 3

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                     Madelaina. :


Blinding light.

Blinding light shines mercilessly in my face as I wake up.

I suck in a breath and quickly cover my face with the sheets.

Slowly opening my eyes, I release a breath, turning my head to the side.

I let out a yelp and sit up, bringing the covers back off of my head, turning back and glaring at the kitten that has decided to take residence in my bed.

I huff, dragging a hand over my face and looking out of the window, my vision now adjusted to the brightness.

Note to self: close the curtains before you go to sleep. It will prevent you from losing your vision before the age of thirty.

I get up from the bed and grab my phone from the nightstand.


Not as bad as I thought.

I put my phone back down and let out another breath.

Turning around, I notice something on the left end of the back wall.

I walk closer.

A door.

Slowly turning the knob I walk inside to find one of my favourite parts of the room.

A walk in closet.

How could I have forgotten to look for one last night?

I have had many before, but this one...

This one is by far my favourite.

It is more than the size of my bathroom, which is large in itself, holding more space than I can fit into it.

Okay, this is it.

We are never moving again. This is the first time but...besides the point.

I walk back out, closing the ornate oak door behind me.

When I am back in my bed, cuddling Salem and scrolling through Pinterest, I hear a giggle. Too high to be a man's, although I doubt a man would giggle in the first place, meaning that it is a girl.

How can I possibly hear if from here though? Our neighbours are separated by a whole field.

She sounds like she is at least in her teens, at most in her early twenties.

I kneel onto the sofa and look outside the window, seeing that there is a symmetrical line of them in the house that is opposite to ours.

Well I say next to us. It is a little ways away due to the enormity of both houses but I can still see them as they match mine in their extreme size.

I can also see inside them.

Very clearly.

Gasping, I hurriedly jump off of the sofa and away from the windows. Not that they would be able to see me of course, given what they were...


I rush out of my bedroom and back the way I arrived there last night, ending up, once again, at the bottom of the stairs.

Stepping out of the way of one of the servants, who are now very present and cheery given that they get to work and explore in a new home, I place my palm onto the arm of another. This one I know thankfully. Rose her name is, dark skin and even darker hair with eyes as kind as one could ever be.

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