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The weekend after the dinner with our families, a ball is held by both mine and Luca's mothers.

There was no mention of our names on the invitations, but I think we all know why it's happening.

All of our friends, since his are now mine, too, attend and we are all currently lounging in a room close to the ballroom. We collectively decided that it was getting a little too stuffy in there so we thought it best to move somewhere cooler.

"Just let me see what it feels like." Angel tries to get Thea to allow him to touch the bodice of her gown.

"If you put your hands anywhere near my body again, I will cut them off of your arms and feed them to you."

He grins and looks at her with an expression so mesmerised, I can feel it from here.

"What?" She snaps.

"You talked to me."

Right. She was supposed to be giving him the silent treatment. Again.

He tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "You're getting worse at this, baby."

She grabs his wrist and just as she goes to do something, most likely violent, she relaxes and lets him move it around her waist.

"I've no clue what you're talking about. I meant to do that."

He kisses her head. "I believe you."

"Can you two cut that shit out? You're making me fucking nauseous."

Luca turns to face Darius. "That's only because you're in denial about your own feelings."

"Exactly." Angel nods.

"This is true." Oakley says.

"All of you shut your fucking mouths. You're spouting bullshit."

"If you say so." Angel shrugs.

"If you really don't like her," Madden begins. "It looked like that other guy on your team does."

Darius stills and his gaze sharpens. "Which guy?"

"Actually." Luca interjects. "It seemed to me like all of the guys took a liking to her."

Darius's eyes turn bottomless and I have to say, it scares me a little.

I think he likes her.

"Let's leave him alone." I offer to the room.

He faces me and his gaze becomes a bit friendlier.

A bit.

"You're my favourite." He tells me.

"Back the fuck off." Luca throws a cushion at him. "Let's go."

He stands and takes me with him, then leads us towards the door.

"Bye, Maddy." Oakley waves.

"Bye, Princess." Angel does the same.

Everyone else follows suit and Thea blows me a kiss, which I send back in return.

"Where are we going?" I look up at my boyfriend.

"Back in here." We come up to the double does of the ballroom and cross the threshold.

Just then, a song starts to play.

My heart sings and I snap my gaze to his.


It's the song we danced to when I first came here. At the ball that occurred in this very room.

He gives me a soft smile and guides us to the centre of the room.

We take our positions and our eyes lock as we dance to the melodic strings of the music.

We hated each other then.

But we love each other now.

"Ti amo, Principessa." He whispers, lips fanning over mine.

"Ti amo." I reply breathlessly. Before he captures my mouth with his.

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Where stories live. Discover now