Chapter 66

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A half hour or so passes and I pinch the bridge of my nose, struggling to reign in my frustration.

They won't stop fucking whining.

"Please, just leave us alone." Allie cries, trying not to look down at her injured hand.

That plea didn't stop you, now, did it?

"I swear to god." Jake shivers, perspiration dripping from his forehead. "I'm going to fucking kill you all."

Angel groans and turns to me, his mask tilting to the side along with his head. "Is he still not getting it? Did I accidentally drop kick his head too hard or something?"

"You fucking asshole." He seethes.

Oak raises his hand slightly. "Permission to knock him out?"

"Not yet." I say. "I'm contemplating whether he needs his other pinky. I'd like for him to be awake if I decide against it."

Even in the dark, I can see his face drain of its remaining colour.

"The answer is no." Angel crosses his arms. "He just called me an asshole. You're going to let that slide? It hurt my feelings. I demand punishment."

I shrug and throw the knife to him. "Have at it."

I turn back to Scott, who I'm waiting to wake on his own. I may have gotten a little caught up in my emotions earlier and caused a few more injuries, resulting in him passing out.

I breathe a sigh of impatience and motion for Dare to pass me a water bottle.

Uncapping it, I let the cold liquid rush down onto his face, waking him in seconds. I probably should have done that sooner.

He splutters and coughs.

"Jesus, you're fucking dramatic." Darius rolls his eyes. He still leans against the hood of the car, lids wilting a little. He turns to me. "How much longer do you wanna drag this out?"

"That depends." I start, eyes finding Scott's. "Are you ready to answer my questions? And before you do, let me warn you. For every one you don't meet with efficiency and honesty, you lose something else. Whether that be another finger, an ear, your whole fucking hand." I smile now. "I might just have to carve out your heart and see whether it's red or pitch fucking black."

"Like yours isn't." He spits.

A laugh escapes me. I couldn't have helped it if I tried. "Oh, Scott. You think I'm unaware that my heart is coal? I knew it a long time ago. But there is a big difference between you and me."

"Yeah? And what's that?"

A smile curves my lips. "I have rules. Limitations. You see, I'm not afraid to kill. Not scared of getting nightmares afterwards. Watching people bleed and scream for wronging me and the people I care about. Fuck, not even if I just need to release some built up fucking tension. But I don't cross my lines. I don't take women against their will. I don't sexually assault. That's just fucking unacceptable. But you." I point a finger at him. "You're fucking weak, Scott. Pathetic. You use and rape girls because it's the only thing that makes you feel fucking powerful. But you don't know power, Scotty. You wouldn't know real power if it fucked you in the ass and shot you after it'd finished." I kneel in front of him again. "You want to know what true power is, Scott?"

His breathing is shallow and I can see a slight tremor working it's way through his body.


"I'm...I'm sorry, okay?"

"Don't fucking apologise to me." I snap. "It's too late for them now, anyway. What I want from you is answers. And you're going to give them to me without fucking hesitation, understand?"

It takes him a minute but he eventually nods.

"Good." I pay his face and rise. "Open question time. Any of you can answer. But the truth only. You heard what'll happen otherwise. So, first question. How long did you fuck with Madelaina Ferrara?"

"A-Around seven months." Scott answers.


"Did any of you care about her at all?"

Seconds tick by with agonising slowness as I wait for an answer.

"No." Olivia responds. I see no remorse in her gaze.

"No." Scott is next.

"I didn't hate her or anything." Allie sniffs. "I guess she didn't deserve what we did."

You fucking think?


"You what, Jakey?" Angel asks. "Spit it the fuck out."

"I thought she was sweet."

All heads turn to him.

"I thought she was innocent and a good person. She was nice to everyone. She was nice to me. I... I liked her."

My hands are shaking. My ears roaring and my heart fucking banging against my ribcage.

"You liked her?" I manage between clenched teeth.

"I... yeah. I felt bad after... She didn't deserve it."

"Then why did you fucking do it." My voice is barely above a whisper.

"I- I don't know."

"Not fucking good enough." I swipe a blade from my waistband and throw it. The metal hitting its target and piercing Jake's shoulder with just the right amount of strength. He won't bleed out but it'll hurt like a motherfucker.

He doesn't scream like I wanted. I want to hear his pain. I want to feel it in him like I feel her pain. I want them all to fucking hurt like she did.

He groans and chokes.

Not good enough.

They all yell but it's not their own pain.

Not good enough.

"Remember what she wants." I hear Angel reminding me.


Della doesn't want me to kill them.

Make them suffer, she said. But don't kill them. They can't suffer if they're not alive.

Inhaling a deep breath, I let it go and nod.

"I got it." I tell him. Then, I shake my head and spread my arms wide.

"Time to play, boys."

"Here we fucking go." Madden says from where he stands, moving closer to the four people tied on the ground.

"Let the fun fucking begin." Angel chuckles and turns to swap things with Oakley.

Darius doesn't move at first. He looks at them individually and I can tell he's assessing each one. Then, he rises from the car and walks forward, passing the knife between his fingers. I can only imagine the grin forming on his lips when he then speaks. "About fucking time."

I won't kill them.

But I'll sure as hell make them wish they were dead.

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