Chapter 62

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The boys texted that they'd be here soon so me and Thea have been waiting near my front door like children on Christmas morning for their arrival.

Who knew four days apart would feel so long?

Perhaps I may have some form of separation anxiety.

Thea too, even though she tries to hide the fact that she doesn't miss him.

Every time we've hung out, I've caught her checking her phone every ten minutes.

"Dude, slow down. You're going to get fucking whiplash!"

"We're going at the same pace!"

We snap our gazes to each other, then the doors and then each other again, before mentally, mutually agreeing to rush up the stairs and sit like we haven't been lingering in the foyer for thirty minutes.

Right as we've gotten ourselves into a natural position, two maids stumble in from opening the doors from the outside and Luca and Angel all but storm in.

Dio, it shouldn't feel this good to see him.

His eyes find mine almost immediately and I try hard to play it off. To be relaxed and not overly excited. And I manage it for about five seconds. But then I can't take it anymore.

The thrum in my pulse quickens and my hands ache to reach out and touch him.

So I decide to ditch the plan.

Letting the smile loose from my face, I stand and barely make it down the stairs without tripping. But he's right there at the bottom, waiting and ready.

I jump into his arms, laying my head in the crook of his neck.

He holds me tightly to him, spinning me round.

"hey, baby." He mumbles into my hair. "Did you miss me?"

I sigh and squeeze him closer. "Like the plague."

He laughs and spins us once more before I pull back to look him in the eyes.

They're sparkling. Beautiful and green.

"Did you miss me?" I ask.

He leans his face forward and softly brushes his lips over mine, then rests his forehead on my own.


Now it's my turn to laugh. I turn my head away when he leans in for a kiss and catch the staring contest that's
currently going on between Angel and Althea.

She descends the stairs slowly and doesn't stop until she's right in front of him, their eye contact never breaking.

He looks down at her with a mixture of hesitation and hope in his and hers hold dither and longing.

After an excruciating ten seconds, she makes up her mind and throws herself into his arms.

He catches her easily, fluidly. Like he was prepared for it and wraps his arms tightly around her while she circles his waist with her legs.

They hug one another close like that before she lifts her head a little to whisper in his ear.

He stills for a minute but then nods and places a soft kiss on her cheek, turning and walking away.

Althea looks at me over his shoulder and I give her an encouraging smile.

They're going to be fine.

"They're going to be fine." Luca voices my thoughts and I move my attention back to him.

"I know."

He smiles and leans forward again. This time, I allow his lips to press against mine. If only for a few moments. Then, I pull back and tilt my head.

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Where stories live. Discover now