Chapter 60

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Brunch was interesting.

Nothing unexpected given our family's... unique personalities.

But the surprises, that weren't very unsurprising, never fail to be accompanied by unnaturally high levels of embarrassment. And shame.

That I have my parents as my parents.

I mean seriously. They just wouldn't stop!

They just kept on switching from gushing about my relationship to gushing about their own.

Do they have no fucking dignity?

I don't want to hear about that time when. Like ever.

I'm their son for god's sake! I shouldn't be the one to tell them to cease inappropriate behaviour at the table. Or anywhere, for that matter.

The car ride home almost made me fucking gag.

I don't think I can ever look either of them in the eye again.

They've been way too obsessed with each other lately. I'm terrified I might find them in a compromising position one of these days.

It's giving me hives.

But I don't need to think about my suspicions on that matter right now. All I'm focused on is getting this thing done.

I told them and Della that I'd be away for a few days. That I'm doing something with the boys, which is technically true. They just don't know the details.

I'm sure they can put two together and understand it's probably something that isn't necessarily innocent and mundane, but they could never guess what it actually is.

Della potentially could. If I gave her enough. But until it's done, I don't want to worry or upset her.

"Hey, Luca!"

Darius's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to him.

He inclines his head for me to join the rest of the guys as they pile into the car and I quickly follow suit.

I slide into the passenger's side. Mads next to me behind the wheel, Dare, Angel and Oak in the back.

Gio and Cas didn't come. Gio's grandmother isn't too well. He was obviously reluctant so I told him to stay back to take care of her and Cas currently isn't in the country.

So it's just us five.

It'a only an hour or so to the private airport where the jet is waiting, maybe slightly less. But that's an hour or so trapped in a car with a back full of fucking juveniles.

"Can you move your fucking leg!" Angel snaps at Oak.

It's currently early morning so I get the irritability. But getting up at the ass crack of dawn also means that my tolerance levels are borderline nonexistent.

"I'm not even touching you!" Oakley argues.

Dare groans and covers his eyes with his hand, banging his head against the window. "Both of you shut the fuck up."

Yeah, he probably should have sat in the middle.

"Aw." Oak coos. "Is someone mad about not getting to see a certain black-haired beauty for a few days? Don't worry, buddy. I doubt she'll go disappearing in the next ninety-six hours."

He reaches over Angel and punches his best friend in the stomach. "I told you to shut the fuck up!"

On second thought, perhaps opposite sides were the best decision.

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Where stories live. Discover now