Chapter 17

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                    Madelaina :

We walk into the cafe. The sweet aroma of sugar and spice hanging in the air. The warm steam of hot drinks, like flavoured teas and caramel coffees surrounding us.

It is cozy and picturesque.

I love it.

Lucas keeps on walking further in, heading for an area in the back, adorned with a large, open fireplace, a soft, dark red rug, sofas and comfortable chairs surrounding it and dark oak tables, that match the walls, beside them.

He drops into the armchair closest to the fire and I take the one opposite, while Angel takes residence on the rug. Laying facing the flames and leaning on a pile of pillows to angle himself up.

"So, did I choose the right place, Princess?"

I nod and smile. "You did."

"Ah. Do I know you or what?"

And that's when my smile falters a little. Because despite knowing me for barely a day, he does. He knows what things I might like and what I may enjoy. Not fully. But definitely close. He's good at reading people. Good at sensing what they want and what kind of person they are. That we have in common. But I can't deny that he's going to get close to me. His energy is contagious. And that scares me. Because I'll start caring about him. I can already tell that I would be devastated if something happened to him. But while I get attached, will he not? Will he care if something happens to me? Or is this just his personality?

Quickly snapping myself out of my overthinking, I look into the fire.

"What do you want?"

"Hm?" Turning my head in his direction, I meet Lucas's eyes.

"From there." He inclines his head towards the counter near the back. "What do you want?"

"I don't know what there is."

"Come. I'll-"

"No." Lucas cuts his friend off before he can finish his sentence and stands himself. "I'll go. Come."

He holds out a hand to me and for the sole reason that I am exhausted, I take it.

His hand is so much like the other times it's been in contact with mine.

Oddly unusual. It burns me inside out and yet, like a drug, I cannot seek to want to let it go.

I hate it.

And I don't like him.

So why?

His fingers wrap around mine in a strong grip. Pulling me along with him to the set of dark brown stone counters.

Jars of spices and powders line the oak shelves along the wall and small mugs scatter around the surfaces.

Certainly sticking to theme.

We get there but still, he doesn't let go.

"There." He points to a display of menus. They are on parchment. Some for drinks and some for food.

I'm liking this place more and more.

And I haven't even been to the bookstore yet.

I pick one up and observe the choices.

There are flavoured teas, coffees, cocoas and other hot drinks as well as some cold ones like iced tea and some alcoholic drinks such as mead, rum and whiskey.

I then hand the menu to Lucas so that I can pick up the other as my right hand is still in his.

Reading through this one, I see foods such as cakes, biscuits, stuffed apples and pears, pies and others like them.

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