Chapter 58

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She purses her lips to hide a smile and looks away.

I follow her with my head, trying to meet her eyes but she turns again. This time, out of the window.

She gasps and then whirls her attention to me once again.

"We're at my house."

"We are. I'm happy to know that I was a big enough distraction to obstruct your knowledge of that."

She swats at my chest and then gasps again, drawing out a smile from me.

She's so fucking cute.

"What?" I ask.

She goes to open her mouth but then seems to think better of it.




She appears to think for a bit longer and finally looks to make up her mind.

"Close your eyes." She tells me.

"Close my eyes." I deadpan.



"Just do it."

"What fo-" She presses her mouth to mine and holds it for a few seconds before looking at me with adorable little sparkles in her eyes.


I sigh, knowing there's no way I can deny her, and close my goddamn eyes.

There isn't much noise for a few moments. I just feel her shift some on my lap.

But then, without warning, the echoing sound of the car unlocking fills my ears and suddenly, I feel a breeze next to me and no weight on my thighs.

Snapping my eyes open, I just catch a glimpse of her chestnut hair flowing behind her as she runs away towards the house.

She fucking ran from me?

Oh no, you don't.

I swipe her purse off of the passenger's seat where she left it and jump out of the door, slamming it closed and rushing after her.

She's three times smaller than me, not to mention she's wearing heels.

I hear her giggle when I'm a few paces away and then she lets out a squeal when I grab her around the waist and hoist her into the air, enveloping her into my arms.

"Haven't you learned anything, Principessa?" I whisper into her ear. "You can't escape me."

Her chest moves up and down along with her breaths and she relaxes in my hold.

"Is that a threat?" She wonders, swivelling to meet my gaze.

I adjust her so that we're facing one another and she curls her arms around my neck while I continue to walk to the door.

Kissing her nose, I grin. "A promise."

When we reach the steps, I check to see if anyone is roaming the foyer through the windows.

Seeing no one, I use one hand to twist the handle and slowly open the front door.

"No one's here."

"It's late." She says. "The staff have probably taken to their rooms by now. Apart from a few."

My lips top up. "Does that mean there isn't anyone to scold me for walking in here like this?"

Madelaina smacks the side of my head and I give her a look that translates to, "What?"

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