Chapter 42

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I can't believe that happened.

It was last night and I still feel the aftershock of it all. The feel of his lips on mine. On my neck. His hands on my skin.

I paced my room for at least an hour. Questioning both my sanity and whether or not I should forget it ever happened.

That was quickly ruled out though.

I don't think I'll ever forget that.

I don't think I could even if I wanted to.

But despite how incredible it was, it has left me in a cloud of complete confusion.

It was so sudden. So abrupt and yet it felt so out waited at the same time.

I can't comprehend what to think of it.

I mean, did it even mean anything to him?

He is a known womaniser. The first day I was here, I got a front row seat at that particular aspect of him.

But then again, there were those times at his house. There have been times when I caught him looking at me - it was quickly followed by a scathing glare - but still, he was watching.

There was also that time where he listed things I normally do within the safe confinement of my room and house. Something he could only know if he was peering through the windows of his own home.

That part is a little creepy, but aside from that, it kind of sends a thrill down my spine.

Now, I'm not one to seek the attention and approval of men. I am a woman who knows her worth and value. Both very high, by the way.

In families like mine, in businesses like the ones we are involved with, the opposite is taught to us. We are to be polished and poised. Respectful and obedient. Submissive. Quiet. An object behind the glass while the men get to breathe on it and scrutinise every little kink in the system.

But not my parents. My mother is a strong woman. Bold. Brave. Intelligent. And my father sees her for what she is. His equal. He disagrees with the views of most of those around him. He has done his own thing, alongside Lucas's father, and has gained many benefits from it. Although, that is not the only reason he does it.

They created us. Me and my sister. Their daughters. Two girls who they brought up to be just as strong, brave and intelligent as their mother. Just as powerful as their father hopes for them to be.

And with that being said, the thought of Lucas spending even a minute of his time on me, it lifts me.

I don't know if it meant anything to him, I don't know whether he is going to pretend it had never happened. But, on the off chance that it did in fact mean something to him, that I mean something to him, he is going to have to work for it.

After all that he has done, treated me so poorly upon my arrival and so unmistakably brazen, he better know that I will not be won over so easily.

It may be a little much, but no matter how much I might want to give in, to be his truly and completely, he has to prove to be worth it. Worth me.

So if he does intend for that kiss to go anywhere and my raging anxiety doesn't cause any major problems, let the games begin.


I can't believe that happened.

She was just there.

I knew what she'd done and while I would normally incinerate and incarcerate anyone else who would dare to do it, I actually found it...funny. Endearing.

I shouldn't have. I should have been angry at her. Should have gone to her room to threaten her and warn her against ever trying to mess with me again. But I didn't. In fact, the thought didn't even cross my mind.

I don't even fully know what my intentions were when I decided to venture up to her room after handing Mattea a basket of cannoli my mother instructed I deliver.

But what I didn't expect?

Ending up being so transfixed by her. So unbelievably enthralled by her words and her beauty, that I didn't even recognise what she was saying properly.

I snapped. I fucking lost control of myself and did what I've been wanting to for god knows how long.

And it was fucking incredible. So fucking beyond anything I have ever known.

She just has...something, about her. I don't know what it is yet. What it is that makes looking at her the most enjoyable activity of my day and listening to the sound of her voice coming in to join in first place.

But, al know is that this isn't a task anymore. Not simply a thing I need to accomplish to be rid of. That kiss definitely proved it. This is something I want. For a long fucking time.

I intend to keep this girl. For her to be mine as much as she unknowingly knows I'm hers.

I don't give a shit anymore that I sound like a fucking pussy whipped idiot. At least to those I care about.

All I care about is getting what I want.

And I always get what I want.

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Where stories live. Discover now