Chapter 21

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                   Madelaina :

There is a miniature hallway between the room and whatever lies on the other side.

Well, more like a tunnel really.

Dark brick surrounds us and lit sconces line the walls.

The smell is damp and hot.

It takes almost two minutes to reach the end.

Light comes into view and when we emerge I find myself in yet another small room.

This one is in a solid cube shape. Books adorning all four walls except from a small space separating two shelves.

A picture hangs there.

A painting.

Displayed is a dragon. One with mighty nighttime wings and scorching fire spilling from its open mouth.

It is looped around something, I realise.

Stepping closer, I discover that it is coiled around someone. Not something.

A woman.

She wears a tattered gown. The same shade as the angry flames that wrap around her.

Then I see something else.

She is wearing a crown. One made of gold and designed as thorns. Branches circling her raven head. Glowing.

This feels familiar...

Also like-


I snap out of my trance. Whipping my head towards Angel's voice. Finding both boys stood by one of the further bookshelves. Two split open to reveal an another secret opening.

"You good?" He asks.

They're both looking at me.

Both have their brows furrowed and their mouths partially open.

But they have different stares.

Instead of figuring out which each of them means, I quickly catch up to them and walk through the doorway first.

It is a few seconds later that I find myself in what looks life the actual library.

It is colossal. Books are everywhere and where they are not, there are leather sofas and armchairs.

I can't seem to get enough of this place.

I hear the boys come up behind me, only just now stepping out.

They walk in front of me and that's when I realise that they're heading for a staircase.

This is the second floor.

There's one below us and another two above.

The highest level holds only bookshelves, not a gap to be seen. Only preserved hardbacks and first additions, dusted in a coat of time and bearing the eminence of history.

The one below that and just above us is another floor of bookcases. Only this time, I see one or two that are ajar, just like the passages from before. There must be some secluded rooms up there.

I move to the stairs that twin with the others in the room.

Each wrought iron and shaped like vines twisting up and down the railings of their spiral forms.

Descending them, reveals that the main level is wholly a studying place.

Oak tables, chairs and desks scattered around the room. A portion of them occupied with high tech computers and gadgets. Other than that, not a single screen in sight.


"Hm?" I finally focus my attention on the boys and turn to Angel.

"You just about done drooling?" He's stood a little closer than Lucas, who's taken to leaning against a bookshelf with his hands tucked into his pockets.

The very flawless picture of indifference.

"Very funny." I snide.

"Very. Anyway. I'm afraid this is where I leave you, children."


"Look at the time, Princess." He inclines his head towards a father clock, that's  built into one of the walls.

I read the time and it hits me.

"We didn't go to homeroom."

Lucas snickers and if I'm not hallucinating, I swear I can see the smallest sign of a smirk creep onto his face.

Angel shakes his head and slings and arm over my shoulders.

"There are many things, Princess, that we do here at Court Academy. And going to homeroom, is most definitely not one of them. You have a lot to learn."

With that, he squeezes me once and places a chaste kiss onto my cheek before walking backwards to the door.

"Til we meet again."

"Must you always be so dramatic?" Lucas quirks an eyebrow.

"Uh, of course I do. A man has to make a memorable exit. You don't know whether I'll be here in two hours. I could be dead in that time for all you know."

"And what a lovely thing that would be."

Angel holds a hand to his heart and gasps. "Shame on you, Agosti. This is the reason why Gio is my favourite."

"I thought I was your favourite?" I ask.

It is so easy to fit into the rhythm of how they work. Though, I'm entirely certain that it is only because they are letting me.

"You are." He smiles. "But Gio's my favourite boy. Lucas needs to earn my forgiveness if he wants to get back into my good graces. A grand romantic gesture maybe? A candlelit dinner? Or perhaps a puppy."

"What makes you think I want your forgiveness?" Lucas asks, amused.

"Your eyes." Angel replies.

"My eyes." The moody guy deadpans.

"Yup. You're saying one thing but your eyes are saying something else. I can see right through you."


"Mhm. Don't try and deny it. You know you can't live without me."

"Sure I can."

Angel scoffs.

"You know what? You keep telling yourself that and one day I'll disappear and you'll wonder how you could possibly go on without me."

"Yeah, no, of course. You're completely right."

"This is not the time nor the place for sarcasm, asshole. You'll see."

"Okay. And why exactly would you disappear?"

"That, is none of your business."

"Right. So, you do realise that that whole conversation was pointless, don't you?"

"Pointless?" Angel repeats, aggrieved.  "You know what? I can't even look at you right now. I'll see you, Princess." He turns to me before spinning again to exit the room.

"Leaving already?" Lucas calls, mirth shining in his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up!" We hear his response from down the hall.

He shakes his head, still leaning against that column of books. "Idiot."

He pushes away and then starts towards the door as well.

"You coming?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Also, let me know if you want to see some certain things or scenes in future chapters.

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