Chapter 15

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                    Madelaina :

The rest of class passes by quicker than I thought it would.

We are dismissed... more or less. And gather our things. Or rather,  those of us who actually decided to get anything out.

I go to grab my bag off of the chair in between and behind mine and Angel's, I didn't want it on the floor, but he beats me to it and hooks it onto his arm.

"You're not embarrassed of carrying around a girl's bag?"

"Nope." He states, popping the P. "Besides, it's not just a girl's bag. It's yours. My best friend in the whole world." He announces, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

I roll my eyes and turn to start walking out but stop when I feel a large hand on my arm.

Looking up, i furrow my brows at Lucas, who shakes his head, glancing at the entrance and then back to me.

"Not yet."


"Not yet. When everyone's gone."



"Because what?"

"Because I said so."

"Because we don't like walking in crowded hallways." Angel answers my question.

"Oh. Me neither." I smile at him.

He smiles back and then reaches into his pocket, presumably to bring out my schedule.

"She has biology."

We turn to Lucas, who spoke without even looking at the timetable.

"He's right." Angel grins, turning to him.

"How did you know that?" I ask.

If I'm not mistaken, which I never am, I swear that I just saw the slightest expression of shock cross his face. And not the one where you're surprised by something. But the kind where you have no idea what you just did and you can't believe that you just did it.

"I remembered." He says flatly.

"Mhm." Angel smirks. "I bet you did."

Lucas sets a glare on himl. One that I'd imagine would make anyone else piss themselves. But not Angel. Nope. Only Lucas's best friend would receive a look like that and not shrink.

"Shut up." Lucas snaps.

His chuckling dying down but a smile still wide on his face, Angel leads us out of the classroom to the now empty hallway.

"Doesn't waiting till everyone's gone mean you're late to every class?"

"Not that late but yeah. Besides, the teachers know not to question us."

"What do you mean? Do they know?"

"Not exactly. They know that we're part of powerful families but they don't know what kind of power we hold or what we do. All they do know is that they try and mess with us and they're out."

"But aren't the others in this school part of powerful families too? I know what the fees look like."

"Apart from the scholarships, they're rich sure. Some even millionaires. But none of these fools could measure up to us. They couldn't handle our world if they tried. "

As much as it feels strange to admit. I understand. I couldn't imagine anyone who hasn't grown up like us to be able to handle it. Much less accept it.

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