Chapter 18

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Madelaina :

Though they walk in at about the same time, they aren't together.

Althea turns this way and continues walking until she is seated next to me.

Well, not next to me exactly but the next seat over. Making herself comfortable and rummaging through her bag.

I turn my gaze onto Sofia, who I find is already looking at me.

She smiles and waves and in return I give a small smile of my own.

She looks at the area around me but frowns when it is seen that there are no empty spaces.

She purses her lips before zoning in on a big cushion in the middle of the floor and rushes for it.

"Hey!" She chirps. I'll admit, a little over enthusiastically but maybe that's just her.

"Hello." I reply. Moderately less loudly but equally as kind. I hope.

"I can't believe we're in the same class."

Not sure how to reply, I just give another small smile.

"In all honesty I don't really like English all that much. And this class is more history than English anyway. Kinda boring, right?"

"I actually really love it. Especially the more historical aspect."

"Oh. Well. I mean, you're right. Some parts are interesting, I guess."

"I'm sure you feel that way, Sofia." Comes a sarcastic voice, that I'm sure if spoken less hardly, would be soft and sweet.

Turning to my right, I see Althea looking down at Sofia.


"I see you're up to your tricks again?"

She visibly gulps and her next words come out a little shaky.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean." She gives her a pointed look.

"I don't know what you're t-"

"Leave the poor girl alone, Sofia. It won't end well for you."

What is going on?

Althea clearly doesn't like Sofia but their conversation isn't really giving a lot of context.

Sofia takes a quick glance in my direction before turning back to Althea.

"Look. Whatever you're thinking, it's not-"

"Oh, I think it is exactly what I'm thinking. And I for one, don't want to watch someone else being messed with or being taken advantage of. I don't think you understand what could happen to you with this particular case but I think we can both agree that it won't be pretty. Now go."

Althea's golden brown eyes are narrowed and Sofia looks as if she's about to either burst into flames or cry.

Althea is the one doing most of the speaking but from what she's saying, it seems like Sofia is the bad one.

This is way too much to deal with on the first day of school.

Sofia quickly gathers her belongings and moves to a different seat. One on the other side of the room.

Finding my voice somehow, I ask, "What was that all about? Sofia was kind to me?"

She turns to me and her gaze becomes less lethal.

"Sorry. It's a long story. Bottom line is, Sofia's known to be kind of...."

"Kind of what?"


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