Chapter 49

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The rest of school was as it always was. Boring and filled with way too many people.

But just when I think I get to go home and spend the rest of the day in bed, my phone buzzes.

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Greek God:
Come to our cars in the parking lot.

I really need to change that name.


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Greek God:
Because I have a SURPRISE

I decide against any further questions, wanting this to be quick. But I can't deny the pang of curiosity that hits me.

There's also a little dread but that's to be expected wherever Angel is involved.

I gather everything from my locker before heading towards the main exit of the building. The cold nips my nose instantly and I pull the sleeves of my coat over my hands, attempting to keep them warm.

I make my way to his car and see everyone already there.

Althea grabs my arm and pulls me to her side.

"What's going on?" I whisper to her. "Do you know what the surprise is?"

"No. He said he wouldn't say anything until you got here."

Right at that moment, Angel clears his throat, as if readying for a big announcement.

"May I have everyone's attention?"

"Get on with it." Comes Lucas, who is leant against the car, looking bored. His eyes flick to me and soften before Angel opens his mouth again and he returns his gaze to his best friend.

"Well. My parents told me that they're heading out of town today, which means I've been left all alone."

"Poor baby." Thea coos, sarcastically.

"Your very believable show of sympathy is appreciated." Angel points.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" Lucas drawls.

"No. I wanted to invite you all to my very humble abode for an evening of fun and friendship."

"Fun and friendship." Giovanni deadpans.


"Well, too bad." Thea says. "I've got plans."

"What plans?" His eyes immediately narrow.

"None of your business plans."

"You fucking bet they're my business plans."

"No. They're-"

"You're coming. You don't have plans." He says haughtily.

"And how would you know?"

"Because I know all."


"You too, Principessa." Lucas interjects, focusing on me.

I purse my lips because although I'm sure it would be nice, I did really want to have a nap.

"For how long?" I ask.

"A few hours." Angel shrugs. "Come on. You know you want to."

"I might be a little off though." I warn. "I get that way when I'm tired."

"Then you can take a nap there for a bit." He amends and I contemplate it for a moment before agreeing.

Lucas comes over and helps me into his car.

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