Chapter 29

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I was sluggish getting ready and out of the house for school this morning. My body was fighting me for the right to sleep but my mother had other plans when she came into my room and splashed cold water on my face.

When I step out of the car, I spot Althea to my right.

"Hey!" She greets as we walk to each other and link arms.


"You look tired."

"Do I?" I ask, sarcastically.

She laughs and leans her head on mine. "Where do you want to go? We still have like an hour and a half until classes start."

"I don't mind. Just somewhere with as little people as possible."

"Sounds like a plan, Princess." Angel comes up to us from behind and throws an arm over my shoulder, causing Althea to lift her head and glare at him.

"Go away." She tells him.

"No thanks. I'm good right here." He smiles.

"I wasn't asking."

"And even if you were, I wouldn't listen."

She rolls her eyes and looks ahead as we near the entrance. But Angel turns us towards the gardens instead.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Remember that room we showed you?"


"Did you like it?"

"Mhm. It was nice."

"Quiet." He emphasises. Showing he heard me before.

No matter how strange he can be or how annoying others say he is, he is really very sweet.

We walk there in comfortable silence, well, for the most part. Angel and Althea are still glaring at one another from the corners of their eyes.

Angel unlocks the door and we are greeted by warmth and the sight of both Lucas and Giovanni lounging on the sofas.

"Sup fuckers! How are we on this fine Monday morning?"

The two boys halt their conversation and look over at us.

"Well." Angel grins and flops down into the chair opposite of Lucas. "I can tell you're not in a good mood."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Ooh. Okay. Rude. But I can see you're not at your best. Tell me how you feel, friend."

"I don't have enough middle fingers to tell you how I feel." Lucas retorts.

"Okay, okay. I understand. Whenever you're ready." Angel grins before proceeding to duck when Lucas launches a cushion at his head.

He chuckles, his arms up in surrender and leaning back in the armchair.

Me and Althea take residence upon the only unoccupied sofa in the room, which has now grown noiseless.

I trace my gaze over to the fire that continues to flare. Shooting flames up and down and sending a cozy heat around the room. Though, that is not the only source of hotness I feel.

As I have now come a custom to, I feel Lucas's eyes on the side of my head.

He never says anything to me. Never wavers his eyes and most certainly never looks away when I turn to catch him on it. Which I have now done.

Belladonna  (Billionaire Boys Club #1) Where stories live. Discover now