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Author's pov:

'The Biblio's Cafe.'

His steps halted in front of the name plate that was attached on the wall by the gate, he traced his fingers over the grubby letters. His brown orbs fell on the two floored building that looked like it was established in 1988. The once bright yellow library with overhang roof was no longer shining under the golden sunlight, the stained and some shattered windows were long and showed him his own reflection.

He slowly opened the rusty gate and his face churned at the creaky sound. He walked on the stoned tiles that were in between the long green grasses. The trees that hugged the little library danced to the heavy wind along with the flowers that were standing in the dark brown pot in a straight line and his red smooth hair.

The warm breeze hit his nose making him sigh and close his eyes before he stepped up and stood before the huge wooden double door that was dusty and he concluded that the owner of this library was lazy and never thought of renewing this place.

He pushed the door open and stepped in, the energetic light that emitted from the window welcomed him along with the sweet, musky smell of the old books that wafted out of the library and Taehyung loved this smell. He was a bibliophile, just like his Dad, Kim Hyun.

He remembered coming to this library with his father when he was little. This library belonged to his father's classmate who would let them come to the library any time, be it midnight or in the early morning.

But after Kim's family transferred to London due to Taehyung's older sister's studies, they could never visit this library again. The little Taehyung would often ask his Dad about coming back here, but in vain.

But that did not stop him from reading books in London, there the libraries were massive and modern, they had huge collections of books and Taehyung would spend most of his time in the library gaining as much knowledge as he could.

He grew up well, scored excellent marks and made his parents proud. He was good in studies, sports and other co curricular activities but not everyone is perfect, right? Taehyung was imperfect too.

Recently, his father passed away due to a heart attack. His mother, Kim Mi soo, couldn't stay longer in London as it only reminded her of her deceased husband. Just like that, Taehyung and his family came back to Korea and lived in a different house that was nearer to this library.

He had planned on coming back to this library again as soon as he settled well in his new house, and here he was looking around the silent library with no sign of human beings. The only sound that could be heard was Taehyung's steps and his calm breathing.

The first thing he noticed was the interior of the library that never changed.

The same golden chandeliers hanging above his head, the old racks and shelves with so many untouched books. The spiral staircase at the end of the room, and the huge desk with a stack of files and a lamp on it at the opposite end of the room. Long wooden tables with five chairs on each side, and somewhere there were round tables with only four chairs around and a big lamp in the middle.

The only difference was there were no artificial plants or trees standing in each corner, no thick and comfy brown carpet on the floor. No more wood shelves or metal stools used as window seats to enjoy the view and read their book.

'Somethings changed.'

Taehyung thought and smiled a little, he closed his eyes, took in the aroma of books and the flash of memories with his Dad ran towards him.

His father was the one who taught him the importance of books, who taught him how to find peace through books and now without him everything seemed dull.

His train of thoughts halted when he heard footsteps, his eyes shot open and that's when he saw those black hair bouncing on its place as the owner wearing a white turtleneck paired up with black jeans rushed downstairs with a book in his hand.

Taehyung froze on his spot, his eyes were fixed on the ravishing and breathtaking man who placed the book on his desk and turned around only to be met with a strange guy.

Jimin tilted his head and arched an eyebrow at Taehyung, who was still in his reverie amused by Jimin's extreme beauty. The way his small but captivating eyes were boring holes on Taehyung, his squishy strawberry lips and that nose, the younger was now desperate to boop it. At least once.

He realised that he was staring at a man, and that too was very creepy. Taehyung's heart pounded against his ribcage as Jimin got nearer and nearer, he wanted to run away and hide himself under a blanket but his legs refused to move.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" And this mellifluous voice almost melted Taehyung's ears, he was as tall as him but he gave off a dominant aura unlike him.

'Is he even a human being?'

He thought and blinked profusely and jumped back to reality when Jimin clicked his fingers in front of his eyes, "Who are you?" Jimin asked again and this time, it was stern and firm.

Taehyung gulped and gazed at the floor because looking into this angel's eyes would be a sin he thought.

"I'm K-Kim Taehyung, h-hey." He stammered and made a mental note to slap himself twice as soon as he reached home.

"Kim Taehyung, huh?" Jimin pushed his tongue against his cheeks and surveyed the younger one from head to toe, "Are you here to steal a book or..." Jimin dragged the sentence with a tune as he pointed at the books on the shelves and looked back at Taehyung, "or me?" He asked, smirking.

Taehyung's eyes went wide, "W-What?" He managed to ask.

"What? Weren't you ogling at me earlier?" Jimin said and stood closer to him making him nervous and sweaty, Taehyung looked away and slowly shook his head.

Damn! He was caught red handed by this man, he was so embarrassed. He now eagerly wanted the ground to swallow him.

Jimin chuckled which made him look up at the elder with round eyes, how angelic! The way his eyes turned into a crescent moon and his dark eyelashes touched his skin, his plump lips turning upwards and showing off his crooked teeth.

Everything about this man seemed Angelic to Kim Taehyung, but he was unaware that everything about this man will be devilish soon as this was just the beginning.


Ayo! I'm back with another book
and this time..it's VMIN!!! ❤️


𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 .Where stories live. Discover now