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Warning: a little long chapter :')

I was listening to Jimin's with you while writing the hug scene. 💕

Author's pov:

The little chubby fingers grabbed the green crayon and filled the outlined grass and leaves of the tree with a melodious tune emitting from his mouth as his glistening eyes focused on finishing his drawing. He was situated on the black wooden rocking chair in the porch of his house, it was evening and since he was a bit bored he wanted to finalize the work he had left incomplete yesternight.

"Chim?" A woman in her pink long tee beneath a  white cardigan called in her sweet tone as she approached him.

The seven year old Jimin looked up from his drawing and flashed a broad smile at her as she stood behind him placing her hand on his shoulder, "What are you doing, honey?"

At her question, little Jimin displayed his drawing to her with sparkling eyes anticipating compliments from her. Her eyes dilated in awe as she took the drawing book from his hand and examined it. It was a drawing of a little boy sitting by the lake watching the moon shine in the pitch dark sky.

"Is it better than the previous one?" He asked in his cute tiny voice that contained eagerness, the corner of her round brown eyes crinkled as her pinkish thin lips curled up into a smile.

Jimin had been practicing the same drawing for two weeks, his skills were improving day by day. This drawing had flaws but not as much as it had in the past weeks, she was proud of how hardworking her little baby was as a kid.

"It's beautiful. But it still needs improvement. How about you draw again tomorrow?" She advised, a pout formed on his lips but he nodded at her.

"Can I join the conversation?" Another lady sporting a casual purple midi dress and white flats entered the porch with her black wavy hair flowing down to her chest, her eyes were similar to Jimin's. Her pink cheeks puffed out as she smiled while heading towards them.

"Mumma!" Jimin exclaimed as he climbed off of the chair carefully and ran towards her to show his drawing, Mrs. Park giggled as she kneeled down in front of him and embraced his tiny waist.

She gasped softly as she looked at his drawing, "My my! Look at how you are improving day by day!" She praised, chuckling.

But Jimin pouted, "Aunt Misoo said that I still need to improve."

Mrs. Park looked up at her friend who shook her head as she chuckled and went closer to them, "Hm, she is right." His mom agreed as she pointed at the boy and the trees he grew, "Here, it needs improvement. Right Misoo?"

Mrs. Kim nodded at her in agreement, "And I shall teach you how to draw them again later, okay?" She uttered as she bent down and ruffled his hair after receiving an affirmative nod from him.

"Great! Now, let's go and have some snacks and tea, shall we?" Mrs. Park asked as she stood up and entwined her fingers with her son's.

"I will go and wake up Yumin." Mrs. Kim said and walked into the Park's house, it was like this every weekend. The Kims would visit the Park house in the evening and spend time together, Yumin loved playing with Jimin as they had not much of an age difference.

Jimin blinked, coming out of his past memories, he gulped as he stared at the lady in front of him; she looked exactly like his Aunt Misoo.

"Yes, how may I help you?" Her voice startled him, making him gulp again and try forming words as he suddenly forgot why he was here in the first place.

𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 .Where stories live. Discover now