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Author's pov:

If a glare could kill someone, then Kim Taehyung would be dead now and everyone would be attending his funeral sporting black clothes.

Taehyung squirmed in his spot as he tried his best to avoid Jimin's piercing look while he bit his lower lip as he tried to suppress his laughter.

The seven friends were currently at Yoongi's apartment, everyone in the living room was silent except for one; Kim Seokjin. The oldest was scolding Jimin as Taehyung had called him earlier in the morning and had told him about everything that happened yesterday, from him waiting for Jimin to till him finding out about Jimin being his first enemy.

Taehyung wanted to have some fun on a Sunday, he had asked Jin to pretend that he was angry at Jimin and scold him a lot. Jin didn't want to agree but eventually said yes as he wanted to have a little fun too and so here he was.

"Can you even imagine the nights he had gone to bed crying all to himself?" Jin yelled as he stood by the blue sofa, making everyone flinch at his sudden raised tone. Jimin, who stood in front of him near the coffee table sighed heavily and pouted.

"Hyung, I didn't mean to hurt him. And I already apologized to him last night." He kvetched, showing his big cute eyes.

Jin narrowed his eyes at him as he crossed his arms over his chest that hid under the black tee he was wearing, "Well, did you not ask for a punishment?"

Jungkook tittered, covering his mouth as he sat at the corner of the sofa and could clearly see Jimin looking so small before the older one. Taehyung sat adjacent to him and stole glances at Jimin every now and then. Namjoon sat at the other corner of the opposite sofa with Hoseok, Yoongi stood leaning against the wall that divided the kitchen and the living room.

Jimin tousled his black hair and a groan left his mouth as he gave a death stare to Taehyung who just flashed his boxy smile in return, he made a reminder to himself to get revenge for it.


Jin didn't let him speak as he interrupted, "Jimin-ah, what you did was wrong. You shouldn't have provoked him like that, just look at him" he pointed to Taehyung on his right, who gazed back with wide innocent eyes as everybody's attention was on him. Jimin looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Look how cute, innocent and fragile he is. How can one even think of hurting this baby with verbal venom spitting out from their mouth?" Jin questioned dramatically and Yoongi grimaced.

Jimin turned around and looked at Namjoon, "Joonie hyung, please help me." A plea escaped his mouth and the latter just looked at Hoseok with a confused face.

"Who is Joonie? What is help? And who are they?" He asked, looking like a foreigner who was attending a funeral wearing a fancy wedding outfit. Hoseok massaged his temples as he chuckled silently.

"What the hell?" Jungkook stared at Hoseok for an answer.

"He basically means that he doesn't want to get involved in a situation where Jin is angry. It's his way of preventing trouble." Hoseok helped everyone who was confused and they rolled their eyes while Namjoon just gave them a tight lipped smile.

Jimin looked back at Jin, "Hyung, we were kids back then. You are overreacting--"

"Overreacting? Yah, Park Jimin--"

"Oh god, hyung." Yoongi interrupted them with a groan, "Everybody makes mistakes as a kid, even I did. Jimin's mistake is nothing compared to mine." Yoongi remarked, brushing his hair back sassily as all the eyes were on him.

"What did you do, hyung?" Namjoon asked.

"I often went to my neighbor's house to play, his dad was kind of funny. I used to steal one of his underwear everyday and hide them. I would listen to him complaining about them being lost when he came back from work." Yoongi smiled at the memory.

𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 .Where stories live. Discover now