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Author's pov:


Park Jimin was bored.

The whole library looked like a graveyard, the silence was louder than the rocket launch, but not louder than the krakatoa eruption. There were no usual students as it was exam season, making him feel bored as they would strike up a conversation with him, or sometimes even hit on him and it was quite fun.

But today, it was only him and his assistant, Suho. The guy Grandma Park hired to lend her grandson a hand in work three years ago. He was a year younger than him, a tall, honey skinned guy. He had big doe eyes and thick eyebrows, his charming smile would almost swoon the girls that would come to the library.

Jimin was glad that he wasn't the only one grabbing everyone's attention, as much as it was fun for him, it was equally tiring. He found it annoying to respond to each and everyone. But Suho wasn't like that, he was friendly and beaming, he was similar to Hoseok and Taehyung.


The name itself brought a silly smile on Jimin's face, he missed the guy. It's been two days since they last met because Taehyung was given an assignment and he refused to meet anyone after his classes. Jimin understood him, the boy was a bit studious and he preferred to not disturb him until he was done. A sigh escaped his lips as he twirled in his chair.

Suho looked over at him from the second shelf where he was arranging the books, “Hyung, you good?"

He looked up at the boy and gave a quick nod, "Yeah, uhm, do you wanna grab lunch with me?"

Suho laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his nape, “I actually…have a date.” he mumbled, loud enough for Jimin to hear.

He forced on a smile, “Oh, have fun then.” Suho thanked him and went back to his work leaving Jimin to look for a person who he thinks would be free at the moment, he ran his mind, pictures of his friends swam in his head until it stopped on one person; Kai.

His eyes lit up and he quickly fished out his phone to text him but instead was greeted with a call from him, “Oh! Speak of the devil!" He exclaimed and answered the call.


“Jimin-ah, wanna meet in my office? Please?” Kai's voice was desperate as he talked to him, making Jimin worried as he immediately agreed and hung up. And at the moment, he couldn't think about anything else other than his friend who seemed to be sad, in need of help.

He grabbed his denim jacket and looked over at Suho, “Lee Suho! I'm going out, close the library for the whole day, okay.” He shouted as he rushed out, pulling out the keys of his car.

The car beeped as he unlocked it and climbed inside, he put on his seatbelt and found his phone dinging with notifications but he chose to ignore it as he pushed the ignition and drove off to the company.

Just fifteen minutes later he was standing in front of the huge building. He tried to look at top floor but couldn't as Mr. Sun was burning his eyes. There on the top floor was his hyung, probably crying and curled up in the corner of his office for God knows what reason. Was he fired as a CEO? But that is most likely to be impossible. Did any author cancel or reject the contract? He walked inside with these thoughts running in his mind.

All his thoughts got interrupted as his phone rang inside his pocket, he fished it out as he got into the elevator. His eyes sparkled looking at the caller ID, he quickly answered it.


“Hyung! How are you and where are you? I miss you so much! You can't even imagine how much I missed you! I'm finally free from all those assignments and I can't wait to see and be with you. Hyung, wanna see a movie together? And let's eat ice cream too!” Taehyung exclaimed happily, as he walked out of his campus, almost jumping on his way as he was so excited to see the older that he didn't even let him reply once.

𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 .Where stories live. Discover now