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Note: I have changed the title + blurb of this book, as it seemed too boring and long. I hope the story isn't boring :')

Author's pov:

"Damn, I'm exhausted." Jimin cried as he flopped down on the soft white couch next to Kai, who was as tired as he was. Kim Kai, was his childhood best friend with whom he had a strong bond of love and trust, he was a friend Jimin could count on anytime.

Kai was a CEO of SYP Publishers, he was well known all over the country for running this business smartly. Jimin and Kai had just finished their hectic day which began early in the afternoon.

And currently, it was half past eleven at night and Jimin would be lying if he said he didn't want to stay the night here and just sleep till afternoon the next day. But he knew it would not be possible as there was a particular person who didn't let him stay anywhere unless the situation was bad.

"Do you want to eat something, Jim?" Kai asked, looking at the perfect side face with smoothly defined jawline of the younger.

"Nay." Jimin shook his head and sighed, "Instead, a glass of cool water would definitely please me."

Kai chuckled and headed to the kitchen to fill up a glass with cool water for his dear friend, as he came back he saw Jimin resting his head back on the couch and he looked like he would black out anytime now.

"Here." He offered the water and sat beside him while observing how Jimin slowly opened his eyes and lifted up his head before grabbing the glass and gulping down the water in a go, seeming like he was very much thirsty.

"Jimin-ah, you should stay the night here. You can go back early in the morning, Grandma won't know about it." Kai said as he took the glass from him and placed it on the mini table in front of them.

Jimin denied, no matter how early he goes back after staying the night. His Grandmother, always knew about his absence. And the usual thousands of questions will be poured at him to which half of the answers will be lies from him.

He would often feel guilty for lying to his lovely grandma but he didn't have any option either as he didn't like to be punished.

"It's late, I better go home now." Jimin stood up and stretched out his limbs, "Hyung, let my car be here. I will ask my driver to get it back tomorrow morning." He informed and made a beeline towards the main door.

Kai's eyebrows creased at his statement and he stood up and trailed behind him with confusion, "Then, how are you gonna get back home?" He asked.

Jimin didn't halt but he just opened the door and stepped out while saying, "By walking. I need some fresh air before I drift off into a beautiful sleep."

Kai scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Seriously, Jimin?" But he got no answer as Jimin just waved at him and closed the gate before disappearing into the streets. Kai sighed and hoped that his friend would get back home safely.

"Keep the change." Jimin uttered as he paid for the cold drink in the convenience store, the girl behind the counter thanked and smiled at him to which he didn't pay attention to and just walked out.

He sighed as the fresh night air hit his nostrils, he looked up at the sky and found the moon peeking through the clouds; the tiny stars which would twinkle most of the nights weren't much visible today.

Jimin opened the can and sipped the drink a little before making his way to his mansion; The Serenity Estate. Sounds lavish, doesn't it? Well, he belonged to a rich, well respected family.

𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 .Where stories live. Discover now