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Author's pov:

The Savory aroma of freshly made Kimchi fried rice and ramyeon wafted through the air, filling the kitchen with a spicy environment. Jimin placed the food and water on a tray and held it up as he made it out of the kitchen and strode upstairs to Taehyung's room. He was eager to see the happiness on the younger's face as he made his favorite dishes.

The pleasant smell danced its way into Taehyung's room and towards him, who was laying on his bed with a frown, his eyebrows creased as he took in the smell.

‘Kimchi fried rice and Ramyeon!’

He slowly sat up and breathed in more with a smile on his face, making his stomach grumble and remind himself how hungry he was.

But then he wondered, ‘Mom isn't home, then who cooked them?’

And to answer his question, the door opened and Jimin entered with the food with a broad smile decorating his face. Taehyung's eyes gleamed at the man in front of him but it soon vanished as he remembered the earlier moments. He looked away, Jimin sighed and approached the bed.

He placed the tray on top of the bed sheet and went to grab the small table from a corner, he came back and set it up on the bed and placed the tray on it.

“Tae?” He called softly but the other didn't budge, making him sigh. He watched Taehyung shifting on his spot so that he was back facing him.

“Taehyung…” He whined and kept calling his names numerous times unaware that it was making the younger blush and smile profusely. He loved it when Jimin would call him like that, it made him feel wanted.

“Alright, I'm gonna eat this alone. Don't cry later, I have already called you enough.” Jimin uttered indifferently as he picked up the spoon and his bowl of fried rice, he took a mouthful of fried rice and moaned at the delightful taste.

Taehyung was sulking, he hated his nose for being able to smell the delicious food, in addition to that, he hated Jimin a lot for making him hungrier. He fiddled with his thumbs trying to suppress the urge to give up his anger but failed as he heard Jimin slurping the noodles.

He turned around instantly with his mouth agape, how could Jimin eat without him? He was surprised. He snorted as he gave up and grabbed his food and a spoon, glaring at the older man, he dug in.

Jimin smiled widely, “Is it good?” he asked.

Taehyung hummed with his mouth full and once he gulped it all down, he replied, “I'm eating because I'm hungry not because you asked me to.” This made him chuckle softly.

He stared at him lovingly, he was cute, he saw no flaws in him. He smiled unknowingly but the hurt that flashed in his eyes when he saw them together made his heart ache, he didn't know why Taehyung had ignored them back there. There was no reason to, in his opinion but he was hesitant to ask although he desperately wanted to know.

“Tae, why did you ignore me in the mall?” Before he even knew it, he found himself asking and he bit his lips when he saw Taehyung halt his action and sigh looking down at his food.

“Why not? I didn't want to disturb your precious time. Mia looked like she was on cloud nine.” He answered, going back to enjoying his food. He made sure to enjoy the food even if he didn't like the topic of the conversation.

Jimin frowned, “But still, don't I mean anything to you? As a friend, you could have at least greeted us, right? I would have introduced you to Mia. She has met everyone except you.” he said. Taehyung didn't know why but he felt a pang in his chest when the older referred to him as a friend.

𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 .Where stories live. Discover now