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💖 Alex as a yandere is basically the definition of your typical yandere; seemingly sweet at first, but ready to kill when it comes to her love, which in this case, is you.

💖 At first Alex saw you as nothing more than a friend until she began to develop feelings for you, which you happened to return.

💖 She was overcome with joy! However, she couldn't help but begin to feel slightly jealous when you interacted with the other members.

💖 She tried to brush it off but the feelings only became stronger. Eventually she was obsessed with you.

💖 At first, she tried to keep you away from the other members and tried to get you to spend most of your time with her in hopes of keeping her obsession at bay. Big mistake...

💖 This just caused her to became more and more infatuated with you. She finally snapped when she realized you and Levi had become bestfriends.

💖 Alex couldn't have that. What if he tried to take you away from her? No. That can't happen.

💖 So one night she did the unthinkable. She killed Levi, her own best friend. She even killed the rest of the squad for good measure.

💖 The way I see it, Alex would most likely see kidnapping you as a last resort option, but after the murders, she kind of had to.

💖 You woke up one day to find Alex staring at you, smiling, in a strange bedroom room.

💖 If you asked where you were, she would probably say she took you on a vacation, with just the two of you. Alex wouldn't want to admit her crimes to you, not yet anyway.

💖 You bought her story and it just so happens she had kidnapped you and brought you to a resort with her so the vacation excuse was the perfect cover up.

💖 During your time on 'vacation' you two would have the times of your lives. Making memories and whatnot.

💖 All good things must come to an end though and after a week or two you asked Alex when you all would be going back.

💖 When you asked that, Alex stiffened. This was the moment she dreaded. There was no point in lying anymore.

💖 Instead, she confessed and before you could say anything she pressed a cloth coated in a drug under your nose, causing you to black out. Before you fainted you heard her whisper,"Don't worry angel, everything will be all right soon~"

💖 You wake up again to find yourself bound in ropes tied to the bed. You managed to sit up and that's when you saw her enter the room

💖 That's when you remember, her confession and the drugging. You instinctively back up on the bed from her, fearing she might hurt you.

💖 However, she told you there was no need to be afraid, she would never hurt her angel. You asked why she killed the squad and she simply said it was because they were getting in the way of you two.

💖 But now, it was just the two of you. No one else.

💖 For a while you would be distant and rather distrustful of Alex, but she would have plenty patience with you. Being as nice as she could and treating you like a princess.

💖 This could go two ways, either you finally give in and begin to warm up to her. Accepting her acts of service and affections willingly, or completely district her and hate her

💖 If you totally rejected her and hated her, long story short, she would kill you. There's only so much rejection a person could take. Though it was really hard to put that gun to your head and shoot you though. However, she would still keep your corpse as a reminder of the good times you had :)

💖 If you did accept her despite of the things she did, she would be ecstatic all over again and eager to make some more fond memories.

💖 You too would play dress up together and exchange clothes (if they fit you both) and do each others make up and maybe do some spa days together.

💖 This girl is affectionate, so expect a lot of cuddles.

💖 She loves hugs and will often give she surprise back hugs.

💖 When it comes to kissing she is fond of kisses on the cheek, both giving and receiving. She usually kisses you on the lips to fluster you. Your just so cute when your all shy and red-faced.

Yandere!InquisitorMaster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now