Yandere Levi x Shy reader pt. 1

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Requested by RandomSimp23

YAAASS!! i love shy readers! They're so cute!!


Edit 13/11/22: Excuse all the stuttering, I didn't mean to make it cringe like that 😔


        You were nervous. Like really nervous. Today was your first day of your new highschool and currently you were speed walking down the hall ways, trying to get to your class.

        As much as you tried to stay calm, the anxiety of being in a new place with new people got to you. It didn't help that you were extremely shy either.

        After many minutes passed trying to find the right classroom, you finally found it. Taking a deep breath you twisted the door knob preparing to be met with the stares of many others.

        It was frightening. To you at least. You weren't good at meeting and talking to new people. So having to stand in front of a class of 29 unfamiliar faces made your anxiety skyrocket. When the teacher noticed you, she smiled,"Ah! So you must be the new student! i am Mrs. Maxwell," you beamed at you,"Come and introduce yourself!"

        You did as you were told and managed to stutter out an introduction,"H-H-Hi, I am Y-Y/N L-L/N, it's n-n-nice to meet you a-all," "Excellent! Now, Y/N, go sit next to Levi," your teacher pointed to a boy with jet black hair and eyes. Heck, even his clothes were black too.

          When Mrs. Maxwell mentioned his name, Levi looked up to meet your e/c eyes. You quickly broke eye contact by looking at the floor as you did as you were insructed.

          Once you sat down and all focus was back on the teacher, you nearly wheezed a sigh of relief. Oh, how you hated those moments of being the center of attention.

          Class carried on as normal, you making sure that you were paying attention to your classwork, not realizing a certain someone had been constantly staring at you nearly the entire time.

Levi's POV

           When you had first entered, Levi took no notice of you, simply eyeing the scenery outside of the window with a bored expression.

            He only bothered to look your way when the teacher called his name. But in those split seconds of eye contact, Levi felt something inside him click. Some may say it was 'love at first sight' or 'fate/destiny' or something weird like that.

             But it didn't matter to him. All that mattered to Levi now, was that you needed to be his.

*Timeskip to Lunch*

Back to your POV

        Once you made it to the cafeteria, you made a beeline for one of the empty tables. When you started pre-school, you were afraid of meeting other children and that was the start of your shy reputation. As you got older, you gained more reasons to stay alone. One of them being bullying. You figured keeping a low profile would lessen your chances of being the target of some of the thugs in schools these days.

          So there you sat, alone, eating your lunch in peace.

          Meanwhile Levi was looking for you. He was also one of the loners with no friends but he was still pretty popular with the girls (although he didn't care).

            Then he spotted you by yourself at one of the tables. Perfect. This would make his goal of becoming your friend easier.

            "Hey, do you mind if I sit down here?" you heard a voice ask. You look up to see non other than Levi smiling slightly at you,"O-oh, um, sure..." replied. He sat down, trying to give you space but at the same time trying to get close to you. When he noticed you scooting away slightly, he felt a bit hurt, but he couldn't blame you, you two just met.

            "So, how do you feel about the school so far, Y/N?" Levi asked, trying to make conversation,"Well, i-it's been pretty great s-so far. I think I can keep up with the work h-here," you said nervously, not looking at him."Would you like to hang out after school?" he inquired,"H-hang out? U-uhm, sure, why not...?" you answered. You had just met him and he was already asking you to hang out? Not that you were complaining. It was just that no one ever bothered to approach you before let alone ask if you wanted to spend time with then.

             You had to admit, you were kind of happy. Just then, the bell rang." Oh! There's the bell, we should get going to class now, see you after school!" Levi said, giving you a bigger smile. You nodded and left.

*Timeskip to after school*

          It was currently hometime and all the students were leaving for their houses. You were waiting for Levi at the gates. "Hey! Y/N!" Your head snapped up as you saw Levi running towards you,"Hi Levi," you responded, shooting him a little smile which made Levi's heart flutter.

          Both of you decided to lounge at his house once you dropped your things off at your home and got out of your uniform.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to write the rest of the oneshot since I literally have French in 4 mins so I gotta go prepare my things. Hope you enjoyed reading and I'll try and post pt 2 later!


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