❤Sora and Jaxx💙

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(Since Sora and Jaxx are dating, let's say this is a poly relationship)

💙 Like all the other squad members, when you first arrived, the two boys thought of you as nothing more than another friendly squad member.

❤ But there was something about you that those two couldn't help but feel intrigued with.

💙 Eventually curiosity turned to crushes

❤ Jaxx confronted Sora first about the feelings he had for you and he was really surprised when Sora explained he felt the same way too.

💙 Two lovers falling for the same person? Well, you know what that means...

❤ Jaxx and Sora didn't want to fight over you and ruin their already healthly relationship, so they compromised.

💙 They bring you into the circle and share you! Sounds fair, right?

❤ But first things first, friendship.

💙 You ended up becoming bestfriends with them pretty quickly, and oh, how victorious they felt.

❤ Though Jaxx and Sora felt something else besides that.

💙 Even if you were looking at another member they felt jealousy building up inside them, but why? You're only looking at somebody.

❤ Both of them researched it 'cuz the internet has answers to almost anything, right? And found out they were becoming obsessed with you.

💙 Unfortunately, the internet failed them when they tried to search 'ways to reduce obsessive feelings towards someone' (You're gonna search this up and prove me wrong, aren't you?-_-")

❤ That's when they realized they were on their own.

💙 But Sora and Jaxx never had these feelings before and were unsure of how to deal with them.

❤ They felt embarrassed to turn to the squad for help so they tried to think of ways to help themselves.

💙 Maybe spending more time with you would help them??

❤ It surprisingly did, but it resulted in them sticking to your side like leeches 24/7

💙 However, Jaxx realized that they hadn't confessed to you yet and even though they were a bit anxious about it, they decided to confess the next day.

❤ Once the day had come, they took you to a private place and explained their entire plan about a poly relationship while confessing.

💙 They had to admit, they were surprised when you agreed.

❤ These two won't kidnap you, that's just not right in their minds.

💙 You all would cosplay as your favourite characters together and laugh as you each take turns trying to imitate that character's personality.

❤ Sometimes you three would sit down in a quiet library and read books for hours (if they like to read)

💙 One of the fond times you guys have is sitting in front of the window, watching rain and storms as they poured down.

❤ Expect random conversations about random and silly things like, 'do hotdogs taste better with ketchup or mustard?'

💙 Though, you can't forget, they're yanderes. They'd keep you inside all day because they don't want a single soul even looking at you.

❤️ They're possessive too so they won't let you hang around the other members. At least not for too long.

💙 However that's just about as many restrictions they would put on you.(They're kind af)

❤ So all in all, you three would be very happy together ^^

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