Yandere Charlie x Shy Reader

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Yandere Charli x Shy Reader

Requested by RandomSimp23



         Groaning, you slowly dragged yourself out of your comfortable position as you sat up on your bed. You glanced at the clock. 7:30 a.m. That means you had an hour before school started.

         You wasted no time in getting into your daily routine. You didn't like school. Just the thought of being around hundreds of strangers each day made your skin crawl. But here you were, doing it. Everyday on top of that.

         Once you finished taking a shower, you changed into your uniform and sat down to eat the sandwhich you just made. After, eating and cleaning yourself up, you grabbed your bookbag and headed out.

         As usual, once you entered the school grounds, you made sure to keep your head down and eyes glued to the ground.

          However, as you were making your way to class, you bumped into someone and fell on the ground.'This was bound to happen someday' you thought. You looked up to see a girl, with orange hair and an orange sweater with the orange fruit on it."Oh! I'm sorry! Let me help you!" she said in a slightly panicked voice."No no. It was my fault, I should of watched where I was going," you responded sheepishly, taking her outstretched hand.

          "What's your name? I'm Charlie!" She said, gesturing to herself with a big smile,"Y/N," you said returning it."Hey...wanna be friends? I'm sure we'd make a great team!" "O-oh, uhh...sure..." Someone was asking to be your friend? Never in a million years did you think that was gonna happen.

          Charlie squealed in response, "Yay! Let's meet up at lunch,'kay,?!" you slightly winced at her high pitched screeching, she almost sounded a bit too excited. Nodding your head you continued your walk to your class.
*Timeskip to after school*

          You had a blast with Charlie. Although it was mostly her talking and dragging you everywhere with her. But you enjoyed it nonetheless. Lunch with her went great. It seemed sje had a lot to talk about. You were glad for that, you had always been more of a listener.

          Then you two walked home together and even ducked into an ice cream shop for a quick snack. You offered to pay, but Charlie insisted to do it for you.

         As you lay in bed, recalling the day's events, you couldn't help but smile. At first you weren't too sure about being Charlie's friend. You considered yourself boring and who wants to hang out with someone like that? But Charlie seemed to genuinely enjoy your company.'Perhaps she was lonely?' You thought.

*Charlie's POV*

         Charlie was Ecstatic when you said you'd be friends with her. And you even stayed by her side the whole school day! No one ever did that before. Most people she hung out with would get tired and annoyed by her energetic and extroverted manner and leave her.

        So that little action of sticking with her really attracted Charlie to you. She already thought of you as the most amazing person in the world.

*Timeskip to the next schoolday*

         You were standing at the front gate of the school when all of a sudden..

          Jumping a bit, your heaf shot up to see Charlie running towards you, waving her hand in the air as if to get your attention, which she now had.

         "Y-you waited f-for m-me?" She asked between gasps for air,"Y-yea, I-I was hoping we c-could hang out a bit more today," your voice trailed of a bit at the end but Charlie heard you. Her heart melted a bit upon hearing those words.

         Maybe this was the start of her first real friendship.

*Timeskip a few months*

        It had been a few months and Charlie was infatuated with you. Every little thing you did warmed her heart and made her get butterflies.

        She did her best to keep her crush on you hidden though. She wasn't planning on confessing since she was sure that you wouldn't return her feelings. But those thoughts were occasionally put off when she caught glimpses of light blushes on your cheek as you talked to her at times and the stuttering that seemed to worsen from time to time.

        Yes. You did have a crush on her. She was just so pretty, kind and caring. And not to mention a great friend. But your shyness prevented you from confessing as well.

        But Charlie also felt something else. Whenever you interact with anyone else, she feels as if she was hit in the face with a huge wave of jealousy.

         As a result, she became over protective of you. This slightly annoyed you at times and you constantly asked her why she was like this. Yet, she always replied with,'It's nothing'

        Charlie was also getting a bit tired of that question always being asked by you. Oh, why won't you just accept her answer?


         You were talking to a classmate who had asked to borrow your notes since they had been absent. They suddenly made a joke that you ended up laughing at. As soon as a giggle lefr your lips, you were dragged into the girls' bathroom by none other than Charlie.

          As usual, you asked your question 'why do you always act like this?' Charlie lost it.
         "Why? Why?! It's because I love you, you idiot! When you hang out with anyone else it just makes me so jealous!" You both stood, frozen by her sudden outburst. Charlie, realizing her confession, turned from an orange into a tomato and hid her face in her hands in embarrassment.

         After you processed what she just said, you walked up to her and cupped her face into your hands.(keep in mind you're shorter than her)"I-I love you too Charlie. I'm sorry you had to go through those extreme jealousy episodes. I can imagine how hard it feels. But it's ok, now you know that, I love you," you said with a soft smile on your face. With a soft expression in general.

          Charlie stared at you for a moment, before tightly embracing you and leaning in for a soft, gentle kiss which you returned gladly.

         Once you both pulled away, you lookef into each other's eyes, admiring the other's beauty.

        What started out as a simple friendship, turned into a loving relationship.

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