Yandere Jade x Energetic! Extrovert reader

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Yandere Jade x Energetic! Extrovert! Reader

Requested by RandomSimp23

¡In this AU, Reader-Chan is not part of the squad!


         Jade was your childhood friend. However, your didn't interact with her much after she joined 'the squad.' You still had her number though, and wanted to see if you could reach out to her again.

         To your delight and surprise, she responded. The two of you set up a meeting time and place in hopes that you both could catch up on old times.

          Eventually you all decided on the mall. It was the closest place to where you and to where Jade lived.

          You were so excited that night you couldn't get much sleep. As soon as dawn rolled around, you immediately began preparing.

           You brushed your teeth and took a shower. Then you threw on some decent clothes. After that, you went downstairs. Deciding you weren't hungry, you skipped breakfast and after making sure you had everything and your house was locked up securely, you left.

           It was about 7 a.m. when you arrived at the mall and the reunion was scheduled for 10. Since you had 3 hours to kill, you went into the mall and began browsing through the different stores and getting some breakfast there while you were at it.

         The hours past quickly and you made sure you were back at the entrance a little before 10:00. You were waiting, when suddenly, you saw that all too familiar green sweater and raven coloured hair.

        "Jade!" You shrieked,  running towards her and practically throwing yourself onto her,"Y-Y/N," Jade said, a little embarrassed at the fact you had just screamed her name in a public space.

         "So how's things been with you and the squad?" You inquired after breaking the hug. Jade replied everthing was alright with them and then proceeded to ask you about how things had been for you.

          Although it wasn't like you went on a world tour and had been on so many adventures to tell, you still managed to relate the years in which you were apart in a way that made it sound like a world tour.

         Guess you could say, you had a way with words.

          You all actually went back into the mall and did a more thorough search for anything you both may have wanted. But in the end you all came up empty. The two of you were still happy though, you finally got to meet each other in person after 7 years of being apart.

         When you went home that night, you were feeling super happy. While you and Jade were at the mall, you asked her if it was alright for you to meet the squad. To which she hesitantly replied to with a 'yes.' 'I can't wait to meet them!' You thought. You had always been a sociable person.

        Eager to make friends and you had no problem with talking to complete strangers either.

        With Jade though, things were different. Yes, she was happy that you both finally reunited after all those years and the two of you had a blast at the mall. But when you had requested to meet the squad, although her mouth said yes, her mind and heart were screaming 'NO!'

          The truth is, way back before she joined the squad and still had you, she had a huge crush on you, and over the years it didn't falter, no, instead it grew. Her love for you just grew and grew.

         She never really liked how sociable you were. I mean, being able to make friends so easily was great, but Jade didn't want to share her friendship with you. She didn't want anyone else to get between you both.

         And she knew the squad would love someone like you. Jade went to sleep that night with mixed feelings about the next day.

*The next day*

         You were practically bursting with excitement. You were finally meeting the squad Jade had spent the past 7 years with! And, hello? More people to make more friends!

          As soon as the clock struck 9, you headed out to the location Jade gave you.

         It took you about 20 minutes to get there and you could barely contain yourself from breaking the door down as you knocked.

        A girl with long blonde hair and a cute link outfit answered,"Oh! You must be the friend Jade said we were going to meet! I'm Alex! Y/N was it?" "Yep! That's me! It really is a pleasure to meet you Alex!" "Well, come on in and meet the rest of the squad! I think they're going to like you!" You followed her inside to the living room where Jade and 6 others were seated.

       "Everyone, this is Y/N! Jade's childhood friend!" She said, gesturing to you before continuing,"Y/N, this is Levi, Sora, Jaxx, Charlie, Luca and Light," she said, pointing at the 6 people in the room. You waved enthusiastically towards them with a huge smile on your face.

        After introductions were made, Alex suggested you all maybe go to an amusement park she said just opened up a few minutes away from there. The squad and you agreed.

         As you were getting into the car, you noticed how Jade practically trampled the others just to get a seat next to you, but you thought maybe she was just excited, like you.

        Throughout the entire time you guys were at the park, Jade did her best to keeo you away from the others, or at the very least with her most of the time.

        You took no notice of her odd behaviour however, you were too busy having fun. When the day was over and you all returned to your residences, tired but happy.

*Timeskip 2 months*

         Time flew by and you became better friends with the squad. You also began to acknowledge Jade's possessive ness over you increasing. To be honest, it saddened you a bit, did she not want you to make new friends?

          You asked her about it and she said it was just because you were pretty accident prone and you needed to be kept safe. You had to admit, you could be pretty reckless sometimes, so you didn't question her answer.

          But what you didn't know was, Jade was simply using that as a cover up for her real reasons and a way to make you think that you were the main source of her possessiveness. In other words, she was manipulating you, without you knowing of course.

         Jade had wanted to confess to you so long ago, but felt like there just wasn't a good opportunity to do it. But Jade had patience, and that patience would last forever.

         As long as, in the end, you were hers...

       Ok! So I'm back from my break! This Oneshot started out well, but I think the ending was a bit cringe. I'm sorry, ok? I couldn't figure out a good way to end it and I didn't want this oneshot to become long and boring. Hope you enjoyed reading anyways!


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