Yandere Jade vs Yandere Alex x Loner!Oblivious! Reader

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Yandere Jade vs Yandere Alex x Oblivious! Loner! reader

Requested by Belizeannon

This AU is where the squad and reader are just normal friends that knew each other since childhood and eventually decided to move into a basic mansion together.

As always, Reader-chan is female unless specified!


             You were always a loner at heart. Even as a child you preferred to be by yourself all the time. Sometimes people wonder, including yourself, about how you managed to find your way into a friend group of 8 others.

             I guess you could say they took you under their wings probably in slight hopes of making you at least a bit more social.

             But you were fine with your anti social personality and was not obligated to change. Still, that doesn't mean you don't appreciate them. You hang out with them time to time and you truly have fun with them and the smile plastered on your face is always genuine.
            It's just that you spend most of your time by yourself and your new roomates respect that. And speaking of your roomates/bestfriends, let's introduce them, shall we? First there's Alex, she's like the leader of the group and the one who you met first. She is usually the one to call the shots.

            Secondly, Jade. She was the second one to talk to you when you were first introduced to the squad. Both of you actually got along well since you guys are into the same stuff and hobbies.    

             Next is Charlie. Charlie was the first one you warmed up to. She was kind and the most understanding of the eight.

            Then there's the duo, Sora and Jaxx. You don't interact with them much but they play video games with you.

            After them, there's Light. You and Light share something in common. Which is that you both like to cook(at least from time to time) You two had some special bonding moments while cooking.

              After Light comes Luca. He's basically the boy version of Charlie. He's kind and understanding and even binge watches movies with you.

              Finally, there's Levi! He's basically your boy version and vice versa. Since you two are practically the same, it's rare for you two the disagree on something.

             You all called yourselves 'the squad' and it really is fitting. One night, the group gathered for a friendly game night! One thing you did not notice however, is the way Alex and Jade were practically sandwiching themselves beside you. You felt a bit claustrophobic so you pushed them away. Both of them quickly uttered apologies for their pushiness.
              All of you ended up falling asleep while playing mario kart 8. You were the first to wake up. You looked around you. The living room was filled with sleeping corpses of people. You carefully maneuvered through the squad into the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

             As you were making a simple bowl of cereal, Alex awoke and realized you were gone. She heard the clatters of dishes in the kitchen so she quickly made her way there.

            You were just about to pour the cereal in the bowl you just took, when two arms wrapped around your stomach you tensed up and turned to face a grinning Alex."Hey Y/N! Whatcha' doin' up so early?" she asked with a chirpy voice. Boy, she sure was an energetic one."Making cereal," you answered simply, now pouring the milk over the dry food.

             "Mind if I join you?" Alex asked,"No," you once again cut off conversation. But Alex was now focused on getting her own bowl of cereal ready. With all the noise, Jade woke up and noticed you and Alex were gone. Immediately, she made a beeline for the kitchen. When Jade got there and saw you and Alex conversing with each other, she felt a surge of jealousy towards Alex.

              Jade quickly made her presence known with a cough and like Alex, she asked if she could join you two. Of course both of you said yes, but Alex's yes was a bit more.......forced. Soon you three were idly chatting. Well, more like Jade and Alex asking you questions and you answering them. What you failed to notuce however, was the hard glances the girls gave each other as they tried to gain more of your attention.

            Eventually, you were at your breaking point, so after dumping your dishes and utensils in the sink, you made your way up to your room without a word. Both Alex and Jade knew better than to follow you in there. They'd set you off and that was the last thing they needed.

            Yep, they were in love with you. And for quite a while. They were also love rivals, constantly competing for your attention. (and affection if they were lucky) However, you never noticed their behaviour. You usually brushed it off or just felt annoyed by their constant advances.(you were oblivious to the fact that the girls meant them in a romantic way)

              But you were the only one who never caught on to these things. In fact, the entire squad knew of the girls' crushes on you. Except you, you were just too oblivious.

            The next day you went out with the squad to the mall but Alex stayed behind since she wanted a 'word' with Jade.

           "What do you mean 'back off'?! Y/N isn't yours! She's mine!" "Hah! What a lie! She's completely oblivious of your actions and ignores you!" "I could say the same for you!" These were the arguments the two lovesick girls often had with each other. You nighy say, why not share? But sharing was out of the question for these two. They were selfish, they each wanted you to themself. Just them. They didn't want to share.

              They were like 2 two children fighting over a toy they both lived. The two children being Alex and Jade and the toy being you.

             As time went on, you began to feel more and more annoyed by their affection. You were practically drowning in it. Every second you spent outside your room, those two would fught over you, although half the time you didn't know. But you had to admit, you liked both of them.

           Today was one of those rare days where Alex and Jade were actually relaxing and having fun with you instead of fighting and you were so relieved. The three of you were just sitting on a couch, enjoying the peace.

           "Hey Y/N?" Jade asked,"Yea?" you replied shortly,"Do you like any of us? As in, romantically?" Alex's head shot up at that and looked at you. You on the other hand, were flustered."W-well, the truth is, I...." The two girls looked at you intently,"....I like both of you! I couldn't possibly choose one of you!" You blurted out. The two of them looked stunned.

        Alex was the first to recover,"W-we understand Y/N, but as you can see, we can't stand to share," she explained, "But we can do it for a little while until you can choose," Jade added. Alex shot her a questioning look before nodding slowly."T-thank you guys, that is r-really thoughful of you, I guess I can work with that," you responded with a smile. A smile that the two girls loved and missed so much.

           Returning the smile, the two of them kissed your cheeks before returning to the position they were in before the conversation had started. Whilst you sat with a face the colour of a tomato.

Who will you choose?



Thank you all for the requests! It's really appreciated. It also helps me find something to do in my life lol. Hope you enjoyed reading!



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