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🖤 I see Levi as the yandere to be sneaky and stealthy, able to cover any crimes like Jade.

🖤 When you first joined the squad, he thought there was something different about you, but decided to brush it off.

🖤 But he was still intrigued, so he tried to get closer to you to see if he could figure it out.

🖤 After becoming friends, he began to spend lots of time with you.

🖤 It got to a point where he would subconsciously be with you almost everywhere you went.

🖤 Of course, you didn't question it. That's what best friends do, right?

🖤 Eventually Levi began to feel, strange around you.

🖤 His heart would flutter every time you looked at him and he was more aware of how much he wanted to be with you.

🖤 It didn't take long for him to realize he had a crush on you.

🖤 And he didn't make it obvious at all, maybe a little blush here and there but that was it.

🖤 He wanted to confess, but thought he should take it slow first.

🖤 By slow, I mean a few months.

🖤 During that time, he became a lot more attached and started showing his yandere tendencies even though you two were still friends.

🖤 He became a lot more possessive, dragging you away from events that included a lot of people or even the squad.

🖤 He also became obsessive.

🖤 He stared at you more often and complimented you a lot more.

🖤 But Levi did these things without acknowledging it.

🖤 Levi just thought it was part of being in love.

🖤 Eventually he worked up the courage to confess and ask you out, to which you obviously agreed

🖤 That took a huge weight off his shoulders.

🖤 However, being with you kind of increased his obsession.

🖤 He always kept you away from the squad and other people, demanding you should spend time with him and only him.

🖤 But you didn't listen and interacted with the squad like normal.

🖤 Levi felt desperate, all he wanted was for you to be with him, no one else.

🖤 You don't listen though, so what can a solution be?

🖤 Kidnapping? Hmm, why not?

🖤 So he kidnapped you, making sure that you not him could be tracked down.

🖤 He would talk you to a nice comfortable house and leave you in one of the rooms until you woke up.

🖤 When you wake up, Levi would act like normal. If you asked him about the situation....

🖤 .....He'd simply (and bluntly) admit what he did.

🖤 You can't escape from Levi, it's impossible.

🖤 Doors would be locked and bolted along with windows and he hides the keys very well.

🖤 So let's say, in the end you just accept your fate and continue to love him.

🖤 He loves to watch stars with you, but he will only take you outside until he can trust you won't turn away.

🖤 You both like to cook together and eat the food while watching TV.

🖤 Levi isn't big on cosplay, but it's cute to watch you dress up as your favorite anime character.

🖤 Cuddles? He won't admit it, but he loves cuddling with you, regardless of what you might be doing.

🖤 You both like to play with each others' hair while you talk about certain things.

🖤 On the whole, though, you and him have a pretty wholesome relationship.

🖤 But don't expect to be going outside much and definitely don't think Levi's letting you talk to anyone besides him.

🖤 You're his and his alone...

Yandere!InquisitorMaster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now