Yandere Charlie x Popular Reader

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Yandere Charlie x Popular Reader

Requested by RandomSimp23



          You sighed. Most people like being popular at school but you on the other hand, not so much. You just wanted a normal school life, one where you were were equals with the other students. Not one where you were some superior big-shot because you were rich.

         The constant stares, whether out of admiration or something else, irritated you. You were forced to sit with the other popular students at the 'popular' table. You had even gained a bad reputation among the pupils who hated the popular group.

         But the reality was that you were really a kind person. You weren't snobby or conceited like most of the other popular students.
       You were also lonely. Yes, you had the popular group, but who would want to be friends with stuck-up, self- centered b******? Not you!

       But no one would accept you. Wait. That's a lie. With the exception of the 'I hate popular people group', anyone would die to be your friend. But you knew they would only be one in order to free load off of your popularity.

So you didn't have really anyone.

No one except Charlie.

     The first time you met her, you got this weird feeling around her. Like you could trust her. That she won't use you for popularity and such. Even though your friendship was kept a secret, it didn't really bother you two too much. You both just had to be careful around other students.

     And you had to admit, over the years, you had grown a crush on the orangenette. Her extroverted and optimistic personality was just so adorable! And not to mention she had the beauty of a goddess.

       You wanted to confess to her, but what if she rejected you? Or worse, what if it ruined your long-term friendship?!

        But you pushed those thoughts aside, you were going to confess to her, that day.

      You met up with Charlie on the school rooftop and she greeted you with a huge smile,"Hey Y/N!" "Hi Charlie," you responded,"There's something I want to tell you..." your voiced trailed off a bit at the end, but Charlie heard you,"Oh? Really? What is it?" She asked with a questioning look.

      Taking a deep breath, you began to speak,"You see, ever since I've met you, I've felt this feeling. One I can only describe as, love. So....I love you! Will you please be my girlfriend?!" Yeah, that was pretty bold of you. But you figured,'It's now or never.'

      Charlie looked at you with a shocked expression. You took her silence as a sign of rejection and stared at your feet, you began mumbling about how you shouldn't have confessed in the first place.

       Suddenly, you felt two warm arms wrap around you. It was Charlie, embracing you in a warm hug."I, love you too Y/N, yes, I will be your girlfriend," she said in a voice you never heard her speak with before. It was calm and soft, the complete opposite of her cheery energetic one.

(Oml why do I find this so romantic? Or is the word fluffy?)
       You took a minute to process what she said before returning the hug. So now what was a secret friendship, turned into a secret relationship.

      You were so happy. You felt like nothing could make you sad.

But then......

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