Yandere Levi x Bullied Reader

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Yandere Levi x Bullied! Reader

Requested by OSeddiebestiexx


Another Levi oneshot for you Levi simps out there!


        You sat on your bed. Staring. Staring at the bamdages that wrapped around your arms. 'Why does this happen to me?' You thought. You mind went back to earlier events of today.

       You clearly remember being on the bathroom floor, a group of students kicking and stomping on you. You were a bloody, bruised mess. Once the bell rang they left, leaving you to deal with the agonizing pain.

       After you barely managed to walk yourself to the infirmary, the nurse patched you up and decided that perhaps you should go home for the day.

       This had been happening ever since you started going to that highschool. You were always bullied, causing your skin to become covered with scars that wouldn't go away. As much as you wanted to leave the school, your parents who you moved away from,  had paid a lot of money to enroll you in it and you didn't want to waste it.

*Timeskip to the next day*

        As you sat down in your seat, the teacher walked in. Clasping her hands together, she announced that you were having a new student joining you today.

        As if on cue, the door opened to reveal a boy with black clothing which matched his black eyes and hair. Your eyes widened at the sight. It couldn't be! Your childhood friend Levi?!

        He stepped in front of the class and introduced himself. Then the teacher told him to sit at the desk next to yours. You noticed the smile he sent you as he complied.

        During lunchtime, the two of you caught up with each other. He was your childhood friend since you were practically born and you both had to separate when you both graduated to highschool.

        A lot of time had passed since then, so you both had a lot to talk about.

       Suddenly, Levi looked at your hands and noticed the bandages."Y/N, what are those?" He asked worriedly. You were reluctant to say at first, but he was your friend and you trusted him. So you told him everything.

       About what you went through everyday, the things that those pupils made you go through. His eyes widened slightly before it quickly went back to his original expression.

      But you saw something off about it. His head seemed to hang low causingbhis bangs to cover his eyes which you swore darkened slightly.

       You could feel the awkwardness in the air so you briskly changed the topic.

       Levi seemed to move on. Key word, seemed. In reality, he was furious and guilty inside. Oh how he wished he were there to protect you. But he wasn't. That was going to change though. He was going to make sure that not a single soul would ever lay a hand on you ever again.

        You came to school that morning to find Levi smiling brightly. 'That's a little odd, he doesn't usually smile like that,' you thought, but shrugged it off.

        Time flew by and you began to notice something. Almost anyone you interacted with, mysteriously disappeared the next day. You couldn't figure out why that was happening. You hoped you didn't have some kind of removal curse or something put on you.

         And Levi seemed to change a bit too. He was much more smiley and open than he was before. But that could most likely be that he was just overly happy to see you again after all those years of being apart.

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