Yandere Levi x Shy reader pt. 2

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         Right now you were having a blast at Levi's place. You two played video games, binge watched (anime of your choice) and played board games like monopoly.

         "Hey! You cheated! I saw how you rolled that dice to get the number you wanted!" Levi argued with you as you won snakes and ladders for the 3rd time in a row,"No! You're just bad! And I'm lucky," you protested, stifling a giggle at the end while Levi pouted.

           "A-anyway, I have to go now, it's getying late," you said. Levi was disappointed, but as he looked out the window, he had to admit, it was getting pretty dark and the last thing he wanted was you getting hurt,"Oh. Ok, be careful!" he warned as you made your way to the door.


            Once you left, Levi began cleaning up the messes you two made while thinking about how the day had gone. Or more specifically, about when he met you. He remembered your soft and timid voice, your anxious shifting, your e/c eyes, everything. How you smilied at him earlier. Oh, how it makes his heart skip a beat everytime he thinks about it.

             Suddenly he snapped back into reality. When he realized that he was daydreaming about you, he blushed. No one had ever gotten to him like you did before. However, these feelings, he recalled hearing about it before. Love, was it? And wasn't his feelings toward you often referred to as a.......crush? Yea, that was it, a crush. He had a crush on you!

             As Levi came to that conclusion, he became even more determined to warm up to you, in hopes you would return his feelings for someday.

           For the rest of the day, he couldn't get you off his mind, but he brushed it off as simple side effects of having a crush on someone. Little did he know it was much deeper than that.

The next day

           You woke up, feeling a lot better about going to school today than you did previously. I mean, you had a new friend! You never had a friend before but it's actually quite nice.
            As you were eating breakfast, you thought of something. Why not get him something as a thank you for being your friend? After all, you always thought of yourself as a repulsive person, since no one would ever approach you in your years of being a student.

            So as you made your way to school, you ducked into a sweet shop and purchased a small box of chocolates you thought Levi would like.

I mean, who doesn't like chocolate?(I know I sure like it)

            When you arrived to school you put the chocolates in your locker and stood in front of it, as you waited for Levi to come.

            "Oh look! It's the new girl!" "The one who stutters a lot?" "Yea! That one, she's such a loner, but I wouldn't blame her, she looks so boring and ugly, who would wanna hang around someone like that?!" You looked up from the floor to meet the hard gazes of three girls. You recognized them as the popular girl group, known for their rich background and mind blowing beauty. You remembered their names to be Sarah, Linda and Jess. (Sorry if any of these is your actual name, I'm sure your a wonderful person :) ) Once you glanced at them, you immediately returned your eyes to the ground, trying to ignore their snarky comments and scruntinizing eyes.

             Suddenly, Jess approached you and you internally gulped. It was obvious they weren't here to make friends. Jess backed you up against your locker and leaned into your face,"I   saw how Levi sat with you at lunch yesterday. But don't think he likes you, he was just being friendly to the new kid. And I'm only going to say this once,   STAY AWAY FROM LEVI OR YOU WILL REGRET IT," she hissed.

             You were about to answer when a male's voice sounded,"You better take those words back, or you'll be sorry." It was Levi! " O-Oh! L-l-levi! Uh, h-how are things g-going?" Jess tried to act cool and even began batting her eyelashes at him in a supposedly 'cute and innocent' way, but Levi returned it with a look of disgust,"Just leave me and my friend alone please," he shot her a warning glare,"And don't you dare try anything behind my back," Jess mumbled a quick goodbye before scurrying off, shooting you a small look of hatred over her shoulder.

             When they were out of sight, Levi turned to you with a look of concern gracing his features,"Are you alright Y/N? Did she hurt you?" he asked while checking your face for any injuries. You turned a little red at his actions before saying,"N-no, she just threatened m-me is all," you suddenly remembered the sweets. Oulling it out from your locker, you handed it to him with a smile,"Oh and I got these for you. A-as a thank you f-for being my f-f-friend," you explained. Levi looked surprised, but as the reality of the situation hit him, he blushed 20 shades of red while his heart went into overdrive.

           Your gift, your smile, it was sooo adorable! How thoughtful of you to get him this gift of gratitude. It really warmed his heart. You were just the cutest! All this just added to his growing love for you.

           After stuttering an apology and saying it was nothing, he dragged you to your first class together.

*Timeskip to after school as the rest of the school day was uneventful*

       You and Levi didn't hang out today since you had a lot of homework to complete. So as Levi lay in bed, he once again replayed the day's events. When he thought about Jess and her crew he felt a surge of anger flow through his veins.

         How dare that brat 'Jess' have the audacity to threaten you? The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. One thought lead to another and eventually he came to a conclusion.

He was going to kill her.

*At school the next day*

          Once Levi arrived to school, he made sure to keep an eye on Jess while also having fun with you at the same time. And he was doing an expert job at it. And speaking about you, Levi was feeling very happy about how he was able to get you to open up to him.

          He grew even more obsessed with you once he found the sweet and kind person under all that shyness.

          That didn't deter him from his current goal though. Once school was over and you bid him goodbye and left the premises, he followed Jess in order to find out where she lived. With that newfound information, he went back home to prepare.

          Once nightfall came, he snuck out. Knife in hand along with a few other things. As he approached Jess' home, he scanned the residence for any possible alarms. Surprisingly, for a rich family, they had no security, which you'd expect since people would want their money, right? But that wasn't what Levi was here for.

            He made his way to the back door of the house and used the classic paperclip trick to get past the locks.

(this probably makes no sense but roll with it)

           Upon gaining access to the house, Levi immediately began searching for Jess' room. It didn't take as long as he'd expected. He crept up to her bed and grabbing his knife, he brought it up and swiftly made a clean slit, killing her.

          He also killed the rest of the household. After killing the last resident, he pondered whether to dispose of the bodies. 'Meh, the police will do that,' Levi thought. Right now he needed to get home as it was getting early and he was hoping to stick in at least an hour or two of sleep when he got back.

   I'm so sorry!! This is turning out wayyyy longer than I expected, but I promise pt. 3 is the finale.


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