Yandere Levi x Shy reader pt. 3

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         Quick A/N: I forgot to mention that the reader lives alone! So in case you were wondering there's your answer.

Also, when you hung out with Levi for the first time, you both exchanged numbers too, so yea.


         When you got to school the next day you were curious about Jess' absence since she usually makes an appearance of some sort every day of the school week. But you brushed it off as her being sick or something.

          You also felt that something was a little off about Levi. He seemed......... different. He was smiling a lot more than usual, maybe he was just extra happy about something? But the smiles he gave you, they seemed, crazed almost. Like the kind of smile an insane person would give you. He also stared at you a lot, with that smile never leaving his face. It kind of worried you. Doesn't it hurt your cheeks to smile so much?

           You brought it up to him, but Levi just laughed at your concern (which he also thought was extremely cute) and said he was fine. But inside, he was mentally slapping himself for putting himself under suspicion like that.

         The night Levi had murdered Jess and here family, he felt something.... snap. Like all of a sudden, he felt..... different. I mean, he just killed someone because they just threatened his crush.

          And he feels as if he can't stop thinking about you and he feels like a huge piece of him is missing without you. He feels a comstant need for you to be around him and him to be around you.

          As time went on, you actually warmed up to some of thr students of the school. Even though you didn't,  become 'friends' with any of them, you still talked and interacted with them from time to time. Much to Levi's anger.

          Everytime you even look at another soul or vice versa, Levi feels an intense wave of jealousy wash over him.

          In the end, it came to Levi simply killing everyone who you interacted with and those who had the nerve to interact with you.

         You had no idea though, and it confused you sometimes. Though you never let it bother you, you had Levi after all. And speaking of you and Levi, you had actually caught feelings for the boy, but of course you couldn't confess. Who would like someone like you? Nobody.....right?

          Well at least, that's what you thought. But now that you have a crush on Levi, you can't help but be all shy and blushy and stuttery when around him and Levi did not fail to notice.

        Once he noticed those things, Levi knew it was time to confess. Sooooo.....long story short, y'all got together. Congrats!!!

       However, he just became more and more obsessive towards you, it became a need. Not a want ot desire, a need for you to be with him.

        So what's he gonna do? Kidnap you!

       You woke up in a strange bedroom, it wasn't yours but you had to admit, this place was killin' it.

        It was furnished in all your dream items and decorations and the bed felt like a fluffy cloud. Suddenly, the door open and there was Levi!

        "L-Levi? What am I doing here? W-where am I?" you asked feeling scared. Your boyfriend simply sits next to you and engulfs you in a warm hug.    "You're in my house. I...I want us to live together, would you please allow that?" He took your hands and you stared into his black eyes as he stared back into yours. You could see the desperation in them along with something else, but about his question....

         "I-i mean, I would love too, Levi, but are you sure that'd be alright?" you asked hesitantly,"Of course it'd be alright angel," he answered." Then...then I'd allow it!" you blurt out with a small smile. Levi smiled too and inside of him there were practically fireworks exploding. He was just soo happy. Now you got to be by his side all the time!

          You said you needed to grab your stuff but Levi said he had that taken care of. It turned out, the same room you were in already had all your clothes and belongings neatly packed away. You thought it was very nice of him to go through the trouble of doing such a thing.

*Timeskip a few months*

       It had been a few months with your boyfriend and things had been going great! However.......he wouldn't let you go outside or even go to school. He said 'the world isn't worthy enough to have an angel like you walk on it.' The most you get to do is go on the balcony or porch. Nothing more.

        Again, you figured he had his reasons so you didn't question it. Besides, he sometimes takes you on lovely vacations to amazing resorts when he can, so it's not all boring. One night, you were sitting on one of the chairs on the balcony, stroking the cat he got you as a gift for no particular reason.(sorry if you aren't a cat person)

        Suddenly, Levi pulls a chair close and sits next to you."I hope you're alright with staying with me so far," "Don't worry, I enjoy it to be honest," "You know, there's something I want to ask you," you give him a curious look as he fiddled with his hoodie nervously, "You see, it's been a few months since we started dating and we haven't kissed once, at least n-not on the l-l-lips. So I was wondering if we could change that now," he practically whispered the words but you heard him and blushed furiously.

         "W-w-well, sure, I guess we could change that," you said quietly, placing the kitty on the ground. Levi gave you a smile before gripping your waist and pulled you in for a gentle but passionate kiss. When you pulled back you remarked,"That was n-nice. Do you think we c-could do it a-a-again?" You asked in a timid voice. Levi chuckled a bit before bringing you in for another kiss.

         And there you were, kissing your yandere boyfriend under the moonlight.



Whew!! Finally! That was longgg. By I enjoyed writing it nonetheless. As always, hope you enjoyed reading and see in the next one!




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