Yandere Squad Girls x Sarcastic Fem Reader

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Yandere Squad Girls x Sarcastic Fem Reader!

Requested by Belizeannon

¡You are Light's sister in this one!


          Some say that the younger siblings are usually the favourite in the family. Well, that certainly was not the case for you. You were Light's little sister. Yes, your parents treated you alright and provided enough things to satisfy your needs, but you always felt that Light got more favourable treatment.

         You all would be at the mall and you wouldn't be allowed to buy anything over 50$. Light on the otger hand, could ask for the entire building and your parents would say yes.

        It hurt you a lot. You began to slightly dislike your brother and started being cold to him. Everytime he talked to you, you would respond in a cold voice something passive aggressive. (you would have gotten in trouble if you outrightly said hurtful things to him)

        Eventually Light stopped talking to you completely and you took it that he hated you. You didn't care though, the feeling was mutual.

       And if things weren't bad enough with your homelife, you had school to deal with as well. You were an, avoided student.

        You wished you had friends like Light did. Often you would see him with a group of boys and girls and it made you frown with jealousy. One day, a group of girls went up to you and asked if you wanted to be friends with them, saying you'd be a great addition to their group.

        Accepting without hesitation, you were happy that finally somebody wasn't avoiding you. However, you quickly realized that you had just joined a gang of bullies. They said mean and did awful things to humiliate, bring down and all in all, just ruin other students' days. This just caused your reputation to go down further.

        Even your own brother was embarrassed everytime he was with you. As soon as you both stepped on the compound, he would leave you and go to his friends. You felt so lonely. You wanted to leave the bullies you called 'friends', but they guilt-tripped you into staying.

        Now back to the present. You were minding your business in the living room when Light came in and asked for your parents attention. You didn't care to listen and instead blocked out their conversation and put all your focus on the TV.

        Suddenly you heard,"Take your sister with you," your head immediately snapped towards your parents."What???" you said in a rather annoyed tone. No way in heck you were going anywhere with him.

        "Dear, Light has decided to move in with his friends, you should go with him," your mother explained,"M-mom I don't think she would like to come w-with me," Light stuttered slightly, feeling nervous at the though of bringing his sister to live with him and his friends.

        "He's right! I am not going to live with him and the rest of his annoying friends for the rest of my life!" you shouted. Light was a little offended that you would call his friends annoying but he didn't show it. Your father suddenly said in a stern voice,"Young lady, you are going to move with him, whether you like it or not. It isn't ggoing to make much difference since you already lived with us for your entire life. Now it's time you both moved out and fended for yourselves anyway," you faced held a look of pure rage as you refrained from screaming at him.

         After sending you both to your rooms to pack, you began muttering to yourself,"Ugh, stupid parents. I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with my irritating older brother for the rest of my life. With his friends no less..."

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