Yandere Luca x Insecure Reader

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Yandere Luca x Insecure! Reader

This wasn't a request.


         Luca had been your only friend for a long time. You really adored his supportive and encouraging personality. Especially since you were a very insecure person.

        You had always been really self consious of your body. Sometimes at school, people would tease you about your appearance. Heck, even your own parents made jokes about you sometimes. In a playful way of course. You couldn't deny the fact you were a little chubby, but it still hurt.

         Your self esteem really dropped and you weren't sure how much lower it could drop until you met Luca. He was very supportive of your body. Always complimenting you, standing up to people who made fun of you and so on.

        Nobody had ever done this for you before. It was actually what lead you to crush on him. When you confessed to him, which was really hard, it turned out he returned your feelings!

       You felt so happy! Right now, you were strolling through the park with him, eating ice cream together.

       You both found a bench and sat down, eagerly licking up the cold treat.

       Just then, a couple walked passed you and you heard them whispering to each other. You didn't hear exactly what they said but you knew from what little you heard that they were making comments about your body.

      Insecurities kicked in and your face dropped, your head hung low and your whole mood changed. Luca noticed this and immediately scooted next to you. As he patted your back and comforted you with sweet words, he made sure to take note of where that couple went.

     "Dear, stay right here, I just need to go....do something," he sounded a little unsure but you brushed it off and continued to eat your ice cream.

      Luca quickly got up and went to find that couple who made fun of you. He searched around for a bit before finding them sitting under a tree. He walked up to them and made his presence known.

     "What do you want?" The man asked. Luca did not answer and instead took out his pocket knife he always kept with him solely for these situations and decapitated the man's head.

      The woman screamed which made Luca cringe. Hopefully you didn't hear that."Why did you do that?!" She shouted at him."You both insulted my darling Y/N and you will pay for that," he replied before also decapitating the woman's head.

       The job wasn't too messy but Luca did get some blood on his hands which he merely washed off in the stream which ran through the park.

       He considered throwing the bodies there but decided to just leave it as is. He'll bury them later. Right now, he needed to get back to you.

       He found you waiting on the bench. "Oh! There you are Luca! Let's go home!" You said standing up. He smiled and nodded and made sure that you both took a path that ensured you did not see the dead bodies.

       Later that night, he snuck out of the house and went back to that exact location of the the park. Surprisingly, no one had found it yet.'Good' he thought as he used the shovel he brought and began digging.

       It took him an hour to bury the bodies and when he was done, he covered the blood stained grass with some leaves he found scattered all over the ground.

      Once he finished elminating all traces of hid murder. He stepped back, dusting his hamds before giggling. His giggle turned into a maniacal laugh which he was forced to contain so that no one would hear.

No one was going to insult his darling and get away with it. NO ONE.....

Yandere!InquisitorMaster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now