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💜 Light would probably be a really shy yandere. So shy he probably wouldn't be able to confess.

💜 Light immediately took a liking to you when Alex introduced you, it was like love at first sight for him.

💜 When Alex introduced you to him, he was very shy and stuttery, even blushing a bit.

💜 He really wanted to at least become friends with you, so he pushed his shyness aside and asked you.

💜 "U-uh, Y/N, I was w-wondering if we c-could become f-f-friends," asked timidly, fiddling with his shirt a bit.

💜 You of course said yes, smiling brightly at him(or at least giving a small smile if you don't do it much)

💜 He almost melted on the spot, no matter how small, the image of you smiling would be forever etched in his memory.

💜 From then on, you two were inspeperable. You were always with him and he was always with you.

💜 Even though the friendship was going well so far and nothing seemed wrong, there was something Light wasn't telling you.(but you didn't know)

💜 His love had already developed into obsessiveness and possessiveness by then and it was only growing.

💜 He had pictures of you on his wall and sometimes, but rarely, he would come into your room and admired your sleeping form.(He didn't stay for long tho)

💜 However, you began to notice some changes in him.

💜 Whenever he was with you and a squad member came up and began speaking to you, Light would glare daggers at them, despite having a smile on his face, causing them to usually cut off their sentence and leave you and Light be.

💜 You questioned him about it someday and he decided to finally confess to you.

💜 He admitted his love for you and had eyes shut at the end, waiting for you to turn him down.

💜 But surprise, surprise, you shared the same feelings!

💜 Light was so happy, he enrolled you in the tightest hug you probably ever had.

💜 Once he was with you, Light's obsession calmed down.

💜 He took down some of the pictures of you, but still left some that reminded him of the memorable times you had as friends.

💜 But he was still possessive though. Still glaring daggers at those who dared to look at you the wrong way and he may or may not have stabbed someone in the bathroom after they asked for your number at a restaurant one day...

💜 You two would watch movies together at home because Light doesn't like the big crowds at the cinema.

💜 Light loves cuddles and you both switch whoever spoons who depending on how you both are feeling.

💜 When its cold, you both put on comfy hoodies and cuddle under a blanket with hot cocoa/chocolate.

💜 You like to play board games together with the rest of the squad as long as he's next to you.

💜 If Light sees something affordable in a store that he thinks you might like, he WILL buy it amd you do the same for him too, which warms his heart every time.

Yandere!InquisitorMaster x readerWhere stories live. Discover now