Yandere Levi x Insecure Reader

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Yandere Levi x Insecure! Reader

Requested by ErichanUwUi

¡Highschool AU! Reader suffers with acne insecurities!


        You never really cared about your appearance to begin with. Until you became a teenager and your hormones caused your face to breakout time to time. Then you became really self consious.

        You noticed how people would give you judgmental stares and it made you so embarrassed. It ended up leading to self loathing and eventually depression.

        Sometimes you wished you could just rip your face off or at the very least were something that prevented people from seeing your face.

        Despite all that though, you did have one person you could rely on. Someone you knew didn't care about your physical face. That person was your boyfriend Levi.

        To be honest, when he confessed to you, you were shocked. He really liked you? You almost thought it was a joke. I mean, how could a guy as handsome as him, like a hideous creature like you. But he insisted his feelings were true.

        You could tell he wasn't lying, his voice and words were sincere. Ever since then, you had a happier life. You weren't depressed anymore and although you were still insecure about your acne, you tried not to mind it too much.

      Levi was the best boyfriend you cod ask for. He was loyal, a great comfort provider and he stood up for you whenever people dared to think lowly of you.

     In fact, when someone shot you a look he didn't approve of, he'd threaten them. It was with pretty dark threats too. You appreciated your boyfriend's efforts, of course, but maybe he didn't need to go so far.

     Levi was like your protector from society. Or at least the negativity of it. You trusted him and only him. You actually had a few friends, but one day, Levi came up to you and said he heard them talking smack about you so he 'dealt' with them.

     He wasn't necessarily lying. What he said about dealing with them was true. But the talking smack about you part....Well he may or may not have made that up as am excuse.

      That wasn't the only thing he did. He convinced you to stay inside more, saying it was safer than out there. He manipulated your brain into thinking that it what he was doing was good for you.

      Levi had even convinced himself that that what he was just protecting you with his actions. He saw nothing wrong with it.

     Since you only trusted Levi, he took advantage of that and twisted your view of the world. He made you believe that you would never fit in and that you shouldn't waste your time being around people who will only judge you and look down upon you.

     All that contributed to Stockholm Syndrome. And all of this was happening to you and you didn't even know it. It wasn't that you were oblivious though.

You were brainwashed, manipulated.

     But even if you found out the tuth now, it wouldn't matter to you. You fell for all his tricks. Now it's too late to climb out of the hole you fell in. In fact, you've just been making it deeper.

You didn't know though.

You didn't care.

As long as it was just you and your boyfriend, you were fine.....

This wasn't meant to take such a dark turn. I was hoping it could be a little bit more fluffy. But it's yandere Levi I guess. I also suffer from acne too. And I know others suffer with it also. If your ever feeling insecure about it, don't worry! Your not alone!

Ok that was a horrible attempt at comfort. But if it did make you feel better, nice! Always remember to love yourself!

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