Yandere Zach x Smart*ss Reader pt. 2

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Yandere Zach x Smart*ss Reader pt. 2


          You were confused as to why your  parents didn't answer the door when you knocked.'Perhaps they're just busy' you assumed.

        Unlocking the door with the spare key you always had, you stepped inside and went straight to your room. It was routine for you at this point. As you were changing, you noticed the place was awfully silent. I mean, your parents weren't loud people, but they can't possibly be that quiet, can they? You also sensed a foul smell in the air. It smelt like...iron? What?

         You finished changing and walked down the stairs to find the stench stronger there. You must've missed it at first when you made beeline for your bedroom. Following the scent, you were lead to the kitchen where you witnessed a horrible sight.

        On the floor were the corpses of your dead parents, your mother's neck full of deep gashes that went straight through, almost decapitating her. Your father lay face down, in a pool of his own blood, but you could clearly see the hole where he was impaled in the heart.

        Then you noticed him. Zach sat there, on your kitchen's island, looking at you with a maniacal smile and crazed eyes while twirling a bloody knife in his hand."Hehe...enjoying the view~?" Goodness, even his voice changed. To one of insanity.

         You were too shocked to answer, you couldn't even cry, you felt frozen. Then he started walking towards you in a menacing fashion. You instinctively backed up, worried that he may cause you to end up with the same fate as your parents,"Aww~ Don't back away from me, little kitten~ I don't wanna hurt a pretty thing like you, if that's what you're thinking~" Your face paled as you hit the back of a cabinet.

         He was right in front of you now. He slammed both of his hands on either side of your head, trapping you.

        You looked up at him. His eyes were no longer the sweet, soft pink ones you knew. They were filled bloodlust, insanity and obsession. "Z-zach, w-why?" You barely managed to choke out,"Why? Why?! It's because those bastards you call parents were taking you away from me! You have no idea how long I've wanted to confess my love for you. I have to admit, I really didn't think it would happen this way. You probably hate me right now, don't you? And you won't accept my love since you would never love a murderer, right? Well, guess what?! You have no choice! YOU. ARE. MINE!!"

        With that, he leaned down, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You reluctantly returned it. That gave him a sudden boost in confidence and he sunk his teeth into your bottom lip. Giving him entrance, he aggressively claimed every part of your wet cavern with his tongue.

         You had no idea what you got yourself into. The person who you though was your best friend, was a psychotic killer?! And currently, you were forcibly making out with him?!

        You wished you could run away, as far as you could from Zach. But right now, all you could do was submit to him........

Will you love him back? Or will you rebel and force him to take more 'drastic' measures~?

The choice is yours darling~

      Ngl, this actually came out better than I thought. What did you guys think? Did it meet your expectations? I would love to hear your thoughts!

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