Yandere Jade x Businesswoman Reader

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Yandere Jade x Businesswoman! Reader

Requested by Belizeannon


           You didn't exactly want this. Yoi didn't want to marry this girl. Jade. But, you weren't necessarily unhappy with her. You were just, forced into the marriage. You were a busy woman. Taking over your father's multi-million dollar company had a lot of  responsibilties you needed to take on.

           It was overwhelming at first, but you pulled through. You spent most of the time in the office, sorting paperwork, managing the wages of employees. You didn't have time for marriage.

         But, before your parents died, they requested that you get a companion to keep you company in their absence, since you didn't really have any other relatives or people you could call family.

       You were always obedient and then it was no different. So you granted your parents' wish and got yourself a wife. You treated her well, getting her expensive gifts, taking her on fancy vacations, everything. But you weren't really committed though. You simply fulfilled your duties as her significant other.

       Moving onto Jade. That girl was head over heels for you. And you alone. You were on her mind day and night. Her eyes were always on you. It didn't show, but deep inside, she was very hurt by your distant actions. Sure you got her presents, spent thousands on her, but you never did anything, romantic. You always had a monotone expression and tone to your voice.

        Jade knew you didn't want to be married in the first place, but now that you both were a thing, couldn't you at least try to act like her significant other? Jade was always trying to please you. Making you dinner, ensuring the bed was ready for for you to lay down in hopes that ome day you'd see her as more than just another person in her life.

        You had no idea how many of your employees and even other strangers she had killed just for looking your way. You never noticed the possessive glares she sent to your workers whenever you talked to them and vice versa.

You had no clue.


         You were exhausted. One of your branches suffered from a large theft that greatly decreased it's profits. You were busy ordering new stocks all day. Now all you wanted to do was just lay down and rest.

          Jade smiled brightly as you opened the door to your home. Rushing to your side, she quickly took off your coat and purse and hung them on the clothes rack. She guided you to the dining table where a steaming plate of (favorite food) was waiting.

          As you wolfed down the delicious meal, Jade watched you silently, grinning. Once you were done, you headed upstairs to change while she washed up the dishes.

          You had just finished putting your top on when Jade opened the door."Hey, Y/N?" She asked,"Hmm?" You hummed in response."I know you're tired today, but I was wondering if, we could..... cuddle," her voice was so quiet."Oh? Sure." You replied shortly.

          As you climbed into your queen sized bed, you grabbed a book from the night stand and after turning on the small lamp there, began reading. Jade, who was already in her night clothes when you arrived, followed you and pulled the covers over herself. She laid next to you and snaked her arms around your waist, pulling you close.

         However, you paid no attention. At least, that was what you thought. Unbeknownst to you, a redish hue was spread across your face as you read.

        Jade looked up to you and saw this. Giggling a bit, she snuggled into your side a bit more, quickly falling asleep in your warmth.

        After an hour or so, you put the book away and let your gaze fall onto the girl beside you. You felt something inside you get all warm and fuzzy. You had to admit, she looked......cute. Bringing up your hand, you gently rested it upon her head. To you it was like handling glass. Soon after though, your fingers were entangled in her raven locks.

         You felt, relaxed. And you never would've thought this of all things would make you feel that way. In fact, this had to be the most intimate you had ever gotten with your fiancé. It felt, nice. Turning to face her, you brought  her face to your chest as you continued to play with her hair.

Eventually, you fell fast asleep, not realizing the smile that appeared on Jade's face.

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