-meeting him-

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It's an uneventful evening. It doesn't take that long to get to the Capitol and I put on a huge smile for the cameras and citizens.

"We want you to win!" "I'm so glad you're back!" "Destroy them!" I hear people yell things to that extent, however I don't agree with any of it in the slightest. But, I simply nod and smile, waving to a few kids.

"All I know is that I'm here for District 4," I yell. I am quickly rushed into the tribute preparation center and am approached by my prep team. I don't recall their names, it all happened too quickly. All I know is that they weren't my team in the 69th and they made me practically glow. Also, they gave my hair a sunkissed yet ashy look to my blonde hair that I adore. My stylist walks in. Harilen. She was my stylist in the 69th and has some interesting features. Her ears perk up with a pointed look and large hoops that she always wears at the top of them. Her skin is tinged violet with gold swirls on the apples of her cheeks. She wears the weirdest lashes and always has copper and gold gems dotting her features. But, she always promises to make me look as much District 4 as possible, with minimal Capitol.

"Harri!" I exclaim at the woman, hugging her quickly in my silk robe. She reciprocates the gesture before getting down to business.

"Okay, I want these looks to be unlike any of the other District 4 tributes' outfits," she says loudly, gesticulating wildly as she did so. I laugh and shrug.

"I trust you," I say. She begins working her magic, bronzing and contouring, adding gorgeous lashes and adding a glowing gold highlight to my cheeks. My lips have a light pink gloss and my eyeshadow is a gold base with a brown smokey eye fading into it. The liner is a cute wing and my eyebrows look spectacular. Harri adds some brown pencil eyeliner dots to my face to bring out my natural freckles and brings the blush over my nose to give me a sunkissed look. My nails are already a gold and white ombre and she gives me two gold rings, one for my left pointer finger and one for my left ring finger. The talented woman manages to give my hair a textured, beachy waves look that is only found in District 4, so I don't even know how she found it. But, I love it. She adds a small, pancaked braid crown atop of my head with light blue flowers to add a sense of fancy as well. After that is all done, she pulls out a dress bag.

"Ready?" She asks. I nod excitedly. She unzips it and my eyes widen in shock. The dress begins with a halter top covered in a variety of light blue, gold, and white embroidered seashells before moving down into a flare, princess style skirt. It is a glowing gold with a light blue belt that matches the seashells. The front comes up to my knees before flaring behind me with a long train. She grabs the shoes from behind her. They are a light blue, velvet short heel with a single strap at the ankle and one at the toe.

"Harri," I breathe out.

"Do you like it" She asks.

"Like it? I love it!" I exclaim. I move for it. "Get this on me!" I quickly dress myself, upon my request, and stare in the mirror in complete and utter awe.

"Harri, you are amazing," I say. She smiles and waves me off. Suddenly, her eyes widen and she rushes off. It's only a moment of wonder before she returns with a small, simple headpiece. It's gold and resembles the top of a trident, but not as bulky. On the spikes are small white pearls that give the perfect level of daintiness to it, along with the thinness of the object. She sticks it in the braid crown, as it is an insert, and smiles widely.

"Now go," she instructs, "and show everyone how much you've grown up." I give her another hug and check myself in the mirror once more before leaving the room. Kaddie is already waiting for me outside and she walks me down to the carriages.

"Darling, you look stunning. Positively glowing!" She says with a large smile.

"Thanks, Kaddie," I say. She's right. I look so tan and glowy. It's helpful that I'm already tan from District 4 beaches, but they also applied some body shimmer and self-tanner that upped it a level. We got to the carriages and met up with Annie and Finnick. Finnick was talking but shuts up when I stroll up to them. He nods at me.

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